Which movie did you watch lastֻ

Centigrade - slow and boring - great if you need something to put you to sleep.

Black Spruce - worth watching if you like this type of movie.

Watched Nobody the other night https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7888964/

Definitly worth a watch, especially if you like Bob Odenkirk (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul)

He had a small heart attack while filming the last series of Better Call Saul but is ok.

Terrific, brilliant movie with superb Albrecht Schuch acting.
Best spent 3 hours. 9/10 strongly recommend.
Berlin Alexanderplatz

azj…i am jealous.

The Suicide Squad

I….liked it far more than I thought I would. It’s not a movie to be taken seriously but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. Violent, irrelevant & absurd.

I actually saw this in the theater before The Matrix (which was released a couple of months earlier). It’s a personal favorite.

I thought Suicide Squad was pretty good for a DC superhero movie.

We’re talking about the one that just came out and not the first one? I liked the first one quite a bit, this one much less…

….Better than Dawn of Justice though


I was talking about the 2016 movie.

I didn't even know about the 2021 movie.

The Suicide Squad (2021)

If there is another Suicide Squad movie after this one, you won’t catch me watching it. Polka Dot Man is PeNgU1N oF d00m levels of “random” and Harley Quinn continues to make mental illness look like a superpower. The biggest problem is that I was just kinda bored through the whole thing. I never worried about any of the characters, partly because they aren’t that likeable and partly because the stakes never felt real. Finally, there is just something missing from the action choreography in this.

This movie is heavy and shocking. Reality was even more shocking than a movie based on that story.

Based on the Jack Ketchum novel of the same name, The Girl Next Door follows the unspeakable torture and abuses committed on a teenage girl in the care of her aunt…and the boys who witness and fail to report the crime.

The Girl Next Door

The Big Lebowski (1998)

This movie always makes me laugh. John Goodman and Jeff Bridges kill it in this movie. Everyone does, really.

If you have a 4K bluray player, I highly recommend the 4K disk. This movie looks absolutely stellar in native 4k.

I am the walrus. I am the walrus. I am the walrus.

That is a real movie classic. LOVE it. I downloaded a 4K version of it for the permanent collection. :sunglasses:

So, I know this is the movie thread… but in case anyone here is also into serial productions, “The Blacklist” is simply amazing. James Spader outdoes himself. He has that low key snarky wit you see in many other works of his (particularly “Boston Legal”) but he takes it to a new level here in BL. I feel like I need to go back over it and record his best quotes. They are THAT good.

“Nice marmot….”

I kinda agree. I’ve now read several positive reviews of this one and I just don’t get it. If you were to take the story elements/ideas themselves, I think it could’ve been a good if not great movie, but it was horribly executed, so much so that in several places I was just thinking “wtf” (Is Harley just pooping colors?!!) Someone has some ’splaining to do…or not.

Maybe a Zack Snyder-type cut would help…as long as it’s not 4 hours long :stuck_out_tongue:

SHUTUP DONNY! :smiley:

I have some 4k content “backed up” on my HTPC with an 8TB HD, but I don’t consider it a permanent solution since I don’t have enough room for redundancy. Anything I want “permanently” I own on disk. That way I get lossless audio and Extras too. I’ll check out Blacklist sometime :+1:

“It’s uh… uh… it’s down there somewhere, let me take another look.”

It’s good to confirm I’m not the only one who wasn’t ecstatic about the movie. It’s hard for me to even pinpoint exactly where the execution goes wrong but the whole thing feels so _off _to me.


Regarding the Harley Quinn “fight” I think the CGI flower confetti everywhere was a really bad decision. It made me think about the action too much. I was snapped me back to reality as I started wondering if the flowers got the movie a lower MPAA rating. Actually, that’s the second time; I was snapped back to reality earlier when the non-muscular 125lb woman somehow overpowered and snapped the neck of a bodybuilder twice her size. That and her walking into rooms full of enemies and shooting everyone without so much as getting grazed. Apparently there is nothing so special about Deadshot after all…

Simply beautiful movie. 9/10 I will see it again for sure.

The Dig

I saw Final Destination 5 (2011).

[One of my favorite movies of all time.]

This movie is excellent.

It's the best film in the series, with the best acting and the violence is done the best.

The opening credits are done extremely well.

The last two scenes are impressive, which is nice to have a strong ending.

It's kinda surprising for a Part 5 of a series to be so good.