Smileys/Emojis on BudgetLightForum

The selection of Smileys in the editor seems a bit sparse. Is there another source of BLF compatible Smileys I can use when posting here? One of my favorite ones to use is the “thinking face” which is absent here.

sb56637 (administrator/owner) every now and then adds one, :person_facepalming: being the last one added. But if I remember well there are difficulties/limitations on adding emojis on the BLF system.

Hmmm weird. Doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that would present much of a problem. Here is where I would use a :shrug: IF I HAD ONE :stuck_out_tongue:

I was wondering about that too. Seems to be kinda “sparse” with the emojis. My iPhone has got hundreds of them. Takes me a while to choose one sometimes. :smiley: Pretty sure it’s quite easy to add more no??