Is Gearbest GONE !

they wont be missed lol… not sure when i last bought something… 2017 maybe?

Gearbest resurrected ? The site seems to work now

Yeah !!!

Clicked on the GB link for nostalgia & , there appears to be a functioning website !


Although I'm not a huge Gearbest fan, at times they have some good exclusive items that you can't get anywhere else.

And, frankly, the more competition there is in the market, the better.

The Zanflare F1 was an excellent budget light. Constant frequency strobe that was memorized. Not aware of any budget light that can do that now.

In the past, my usual approach to all webshops was, who needs insurance.

I have been reading up on GB. It seems that a lot of uninsured goods from GB go MIA.
But maybe that was only from the era they acually sold something.
Looked at their new website and must say that I’m not impressed by their prices.

ping fails tho

IMHO GB is doing something very clumsy with their website.
After the -search “nitecore” you come to the Nitecore corner.
From there you can go anywhere as long as you are NOT clicking on home page.

Gearbest site is back! Loading time is speedy too.

And there was the Gearbest data breach Report - Gearbest Hack: Hundreds of Thousands Affected Daily by Huge Data Breach. Their customer database was left wide open. When confronted about it, Gearbest denied it, then later said “it’s fixed”. Weeks later, someone posted that it was indeed not fixed, and never was. In fact, he showed how anyone with the slightest computer knowledge could view the GB database. Wide open to the public.

Personally, I don’t trust any of these companies, including Aliexpress. If they don’t take paypal, I don’t buy from the them.

Yeah, it loads a “page isn’t working” really fast… lol

The homepage is inaccessible but I can accesss individual pages:

Order something and let us know how it goes… lol

Yeh, I was gonna suggest, one last cash-grab before going under completely?

Rack up a bunch of new orders, fake shipping them and/or stalling, then when maxed out, transfer all funds somewhere safe and pull all plugs simultaneously.


You first.

my trust in GB website is ruined.
nobody needs GB anymore.



When I try to go to, I get this error message: redirected you too many times.

Site is accessible but no ordering is allowed for all regions. Doesn't look good at this point. I logged in to replaced my shipping details with dummy texts.

lol why do u still care for this site ?? let it just die