YouTube Videos

I always wanted to learn how to split firewood


Oh, that’s what that was about?

Here’s one about the weather… or stocks… or something.

WOW — She talks a lot

I would actually start watching the news again…

Don’t know if my ax would handle those logs but I’d sure give it a try.

Make enough firewood for a long cold winter.

…and can turn left better than Nascar.

this might be inappropriate.
it makes me laugh every time.

That’s sooooooooo funny.

Back when I was a kid, this kid from across the street saw a cat taking a dump in someone’s front garden. He froze, mesmerised, just staring at the spectacle.

When the cat was done, the kid then blurted out, “Wow, that cat took a helty schitt”.

Just the way it came out (the comment) just struck me as hilarious.


Wish I had one of those… well, if I lived in the woods.

Wonder how many miles-per-sticks he gets.

well, since it is in Brazil,
that would be Kilometers
per Kindling.

When Live TV Goes Wrong (Some NSFW)

…I especially liked the segment “Things you can say to your dog, but not your girlfriend”, but I always loved Whos line…

Gotta love the entertainment value of a VR freakout. :smiley:

Great stop motion CGI (2014). I wonder if they used studio takes as seed material to build on. Stitching scenes together.
Anyways, I’d like to find a ‘behind the scenes’ video.

Carpenters didn’t look like this when I was working


how to drive around Land Mines.