Selection of "slender waist" Wurkkos WK10 14500 Light Single Color Aux

Blue for me

I hope you will offer several of the auxiliary colors for us to choose from. Maybe associate a different color auxil for each primary emitter choice: red with warm white, blue with cool white, purple for neutral whites.

You could also do limited editions with color anodized hosts to match the auxiliary color; green body with green auxiliary. many fun options lay ahead!

I was under impression that aux lights have rgb led in it and color can be cycled at runtime. Don’t Hanklights behave like that?

All look fantastic, ice blue and or orange and yellow are my favorites from these photos anyway. Very awesome project so far, great work!

Sure hope this has USB charging also, if not then let’s get a quick follow up for second light with a larger battery option with that onboard charging built in please.

Yes, Hank uses rgb’s but Wurkkos is, so far at least, planning to use single color leds like Fireflies does. I would love to see rgb’s used in this case!

I voted orange.
I do like the orange, red, yellow and purple, more than green or cyan.

Me too. You have very good Taste… LOL

Oh they look great so far. Very excited about these!

That purp tho!

is there any significant change in parasitic drain (there should be)

I voted green, though I won't be buying the flashlight.

Looks like I'm in the minority with my color choice...

It's not easy being green.

Main thing the Aux should have is the ability to set them to high, low or off inside Anduril2.

My Emisar D4V2 lights look beautiful with full brightness on Aux, but I find that to be impractical. They are bright enough to light up my room at night and have significant parastic drain. On the other hand, the low brightness aux LED setting is perfect. Just bright enough to easily find the light when used as a bedside light.

This is a standard feature on anduril 2 I believe...

Voted ice blue to prevent red (best chance). All colors except primary colors R, G, and B are good.

You guys have to remember that this light is aimed at around 20USD.

RGB aux cost more and need more space. RGB literally means 3x LED and resistors and what not on the board to make them work.

You have to frankly come to terms with the fact that because of cost and space issues Wurkkos will most likely just produce one AUX colour for the whole batch. So choose wisely :stuck_out_tongue:

good ideal for different aux colors with different tint choice, collect

Yes, our budget is $20, and single aux led seems the only option now, we will not only do one color, maybe 3-4 different

I doubt it would make much difference in cost really.

And I would guess that managing several SKUs would actually cost more.

Is the reason because you’re using a SOIC-8 Attiny85 ? (not enough pins for FET+7135 and RGB), if that’s the case then use a QFN-20 package, or you could even go Attiny1616 which has several advantages : it’s cheaper, has a factory calibrated temperature sensor, UDPI (only 3 pads needed for flashing, especially practical in the case of a small diameter driver here) and plenty enough pins for RGB. Sofirn sourced them for the SP10S Pro so I assume that wurkkos can too.

I think they are implemented as functions on andruil?

Is the reason because you’re using a SOIC-8 Atinny85 ? (not enough pins for FET+7135 and RGB), if that’s the case then use a QFN-20 package, or you could even go Attiny1616 which has several advantages : it’s cheaper, has a factory calibrated temperature sensor, UDPI (only 3 pads needed for flashing, especially practical in the case of a small diameter driver here) and plenty enough pins for RGB. Sofirn sourced them for the SP10S Pro so I assume that wurkkos can too.

yes, attiny1616 will be our choice