【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

Yes. After placing your order and paying, you can send him a message via AE regarding your order.

You can also leave a note click the little icon

Thanks for that!

I learn something new everyday.

Thanks. I know about the message you can leave when placing the order. I was just wondering if mentioning what CCT you want works with them.

Sometimes sellers offer free gifts with the purchase but you need to leave a message to remind them.

Also one god tip is to use the app because the items are cheaper, you get coupons and other stuff.

Yes to titanium! Please, just take my money!

S21d seemㄴ be sold out.
When will it be in stock?

The color of the switch stalk doesn’t matter. It’s the same switch.

The 16MM PCB is much better than a 17MM PCB though, because the 16MM one will fit in Simon’s 18650 lights without having to modify the PCB.

Do they mean only cool white? That’s a shame, a number of lights would benefit from such an led.

Sorry, the picture has not been updated, it is the same except the color is a little different.

I once made a suggestion to the luminus company that they would make some SST40 SFT40 warm white and neutral white.
So far, this suggestion has not been adopted.

Hi Simon, any plans for adopting xhp70.3 hi in your lights?

Any update on this? Really interested in this light.

only 6500K

519A 2700K available now

Fantastic news!

Considering the uniformity of the light spot, the reflector used for the 519A flashlight is now changed as follows.
orange peel for following models: S2+ S21A S21B
smooth reflector for following models: M1 M21B C8+

If you wish to use a different reflector, you can also indicate your request in the order remarks.

I think that is a sensible decision!

Simon- will there be green AR coated lenses available as a separate order item? I could not find any listings in your store, and the lenses that are listed do not specify coating color. Thank you, kindly.

AR coated lenses for which flashlight models?

What is the current discount code?