DIY spectrometer (AS7341 based)

Get the boards I mentioned above. It’s relatively cheap to get going :wink:

I’ve looked at the Adafruit code. The problem is that they don’t go beyond basic functionality (e.g. reading raw values and print them to screen). They’ve added all registers, but don’t use them. Such is the case with auto gain.

Also when not using own readings, all calculations yield the same results as the AMS application notes. I’ve used their example readings as input and the result matches. So it’s unlikely that part of the code is the problem. Disabling auto gain provides believable values, hence my belief something is wrong with how I handle readings done with auto gain.

Did a quick and dirty fix. When taking a reading, it 1st takes are reading with auto gain enabled to determine the best gain factor. Then disable it and take the real readings. Much better results. Needs some optimizing, but later (e.g. less SMUX channel switching). Using channel F8 for the time being since that seems to have the highest raw values (even though F7 has the highest irradiance responsivity).

Ordered Adafruit AS7341, Adafruit QT Py and some cables. :beer:

Awesome! Would be really nice if we can develop some sort of BLF spectrometer that’s better than the Opple :sunglasses:

I’ll see if I can create some CSV files that have the calibration matrices. Then they can be shared and don’t need to be created multiple times. Don’t know about Python, but it’s not too tricky to read those in C.

XYZ and spectral calibration matrices (taken from AS7341_AD000198_3-00.xlsm aka “AS7341 - from ADC to LUX and CCT”).

Note that there are 3(!) different versions (“Based on Full, Production-Wide Device-Characteristic Dataset”, did device characteristics change over time?);

  • v1.1 (2019-02-13)
  • v3.0 (2021-04-28)
  • Initialization data that comes with

This is the one I’ve seen used, it appears to be a combination of those two:
n = (x - 0.3320) / (y - 0.1858)
CCT = 449 * n^3 + 3525 * n^2 6823.3 * n + 5520.33

Oh man :smiley: Thanks!

I did do a quick comparison between the AMS and wikipedia one (B35AM 3500K source). The Wikipedia one produces slightly higher CCT numbers.

CCT = 3646K, Duv = –0.012651
CCT = 3733K (wikipedia)

CCT = 3821K, Duv = –0.012644
CCT = 3884K (wikipedia)

CCT = 3702K, Duv = –0.012832
CCT = 3781K (wikipedia)

Btw, I’ve switched from using all channels (excluding flicker) to using only F1 to F8 as input (the clear channel overpowers all other channels, NIR seems pointless for flashlights). Don’t know if and how that affects results. Any thoughts as to what would be better?

This is an awesome project! I’ll have to order myself an AS7341 to have a play with too.

Might be better off getting something like a bit of Lee Filters 250 Shouldn’t be too hard to source small sheets, and probably more consistent than Ali.

And yes, it affects results (provided I didn’t make any mistakes refactoring). AMS excel values as source:

Do you want a reference LED ? I see you’re in EU, I could measure an LED at different current and send it to you in an envelope and the SPDs.

Interesting project! I tried this a couple years ago and got really frustrated with the results, but I’m afraid I gave up too soon. My readings seemed to jump all over the place. I think I tried using a diffuser, but it’s been too long so I don’t remember exactly. I’d love to have another go at this at some point.

Time for another update: I’ve made quite a few changes to the code. Refactorisations and cleanups, bugfixes, added more verification code and the basic calculations for spectrum reconstruction (the large calibration matrix and spectrum to XYZ). So if you have a clone, just get the latest code.

The good new is that readings seem to be much more consistent now that auto gain is used. However, reading are off by about 500K (too low), consistently. This is a bit of a mystery, since the AMS excel gives the same results when inputting the raw readings from the sensor. This leads me to assume all calculations are correct, but the raw readings must be wrong somehow. My guess would be integration time is not correct, since that’s the only thing that I can think of that influences the raw values returned. Needs further investigating.

That would be great for fine tuning, thanks for the offer! I’m in Sweden. Currently still having issues getting the reading close to actual CCT, so it might be a bit premature (see above).

As part of the Eurkatronix group GS5 buy I ordered the whole range of E17A CCTs (sm1863c, sm203, sm223, sm273, sm303, sm353, sm403, sm453, sm503, sm573 and sm653), specifically for test purposes. But they don’t come with (detailed) SPDs. The closest data is the test reports on the website and that’s probably close to the actual LEDs I’ll be getting. If that works out (including a proper physical test setup), I’d love to fine tune using a real reference LED.

Did you use any form of auto gain? I initially had the same issue, just couldn’t get consistent readings, unless I looked at the raw readings and adjusted how I held the flashlight at a certain distance and brightness. Results are much more consistent now that the sensor decides what gain to use. There are slight variations when I move the light sideways, but nowhere near the huge jumps in CCT as before.

Just pushed a change so it uses the ‘higher accuracy’ spectral calibration matrix by default. Define USE_XYZ_CALIBRATION_MATRIX in SpectralSensor.cpp to use XYZ calibration matrix as before.

And for those wanting to output the reconstruct spectrum to CSV, check out the Spectrum::saveToCsv() function. It’s primitive, but it works (need a GUI at some point…)

No, I don’t think I did. I really should dust this project off again and try some more things like that (or rebase it on a newer sensor, like the one you’re using).

Any chance you can (digitally) provide a SPD and corresponding CCT and CRI values? Preferably 1nm steps, but 2nm would be fine as well. Possibly one above and one below 5000K (for testing Planckian and D illuminants).

Reason I’m asking is that I’ve started working on calculating CRI values. Having this data allows me to verify if the calculations are correct based on known values, independent of what the AMS sensor produces.

So for the past few days I've been sinking my teeth into the whole CRI thing. It's a lot of info/data to take in, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it a bit. Going down the rabbit hole further, but it's interesting stuff. But I've ran into another issue. I've been using Osram's ColorCalculator as a sanity check and found that my CIE1960 v value is way too low. This results (among other things) that the chromaticity distance is too big and CRI results are meaningless. Osram provides a few example spectrums, so I took the included "White (2700K)" and used that as input. If all is well, the result should match right? But nope...

See screencapture. Look under preparing test SPD. And ignore convert output part under Calculating CRI. Most basic values are close enough (CCT, xy and u), but the v value is way off:

Now this makes no sense as the calculation from xy to uv is pretty straightforward. As per Wikipedia the formula is:

In my code this is done like this:

// MacAdam simplified Judd's
double n = 12 * xy.y - 2 * xy.x + 3;
u = (4 * xy.x) / n;
v = (6 * xy.y) / n;

So what am I overlooking?

In the color calculator screenshot it shows u’ and v’ (CIE 1976) not u and v (CIE 1960)

Found the discrepancy! It helps writing stuff down :smiley:

More stuff to learn… Osram uses a different color space: CIELUV

Was typing while you posted, but same conclusion :wink: