A little bit of BLF magic, post your BLF flashlights

A few pics of some BLF inspired lights.


Which is the flashlight on the right in the first picture?
Polished aluminum or steel?

It’s the WildTrail BLFv2 not sure what material it is though

Its a BLF D80 v2 in Aluminum, polished by me.

Build thread.

Very cool finish. excellent.

Can I ask you how did you polish the flashlight?

Yea the D80 was rough from the factory so i ended up spending a fair bit of time on it, i used some cut and polish at the the start with a rotary tool and then i finished it of by hand with Mothers metal polish. I chose cut and polish because some of the knurling had burrs and was fairly rough it would be to hard to sand the burrs on the knurling.

Something like this BLF A6 i sanded down with a high grit sandpaper then polished with Mothers metal polish.



Thank you!
I like polished flashlight.

Very nice polishing :+1:

My BLF Q8!

Got my Frog and Nano Pro from Neals Gadgets.

The Nano Pro is indeed much brighter than the original Nano. I had the original Nano in copper.