False Sayings

Am I the only one that finds humor in this?

“There are no stupid questions.”

Hahaha! You're not the only one.

Sure, just about the entire world is entering a recession (or is in a recession) because of their response to Covid.

It couldn't possibly be because of Covid and the war, which has affected the entire planet.

(Talk about false statements!)

You realize this is a world recession?

Of course some countries (and regions) handled Covid better than others, but the root cause of the world recession of 2022 is Covid and the war.

There are other factors such as supply chain issues and really high world inflation, but both of those are caused by the root causes.

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

"Windmill noise causes cancer."

@raccoon city Careful with the tone and the subject matter, it won’t be worth it if an argument breaks out here, regardless of who or what is right.

“Diversity is our strength” is a lie. It can be a strength, and diversity can also be extremely divisive. “Unity is our strength” is a more accurate take on it.

Sorry about that.

I will try to be more careful in the future.

I didn't start this argument, but I will try to end it.

If anyone still doesn't agree with me, that is your right, and we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Thank you, you are 100% correct. And you can include “guvment response to ‘war’” in that too.

Let’s drop the controversial political comments please, that always leads to a nasty argument.

Perfect fit, those jeans.

(subtext: et tu Levi’s?)

Absolutely, diversity absolutely divides.

Don’t believe me? Try organising a lunch outing where someone’s vegan, another’s kosher, another’s gluten-free, another’s lactose-intolerant, another’s got a peanut allergy, etc.

“Okay everyone, here’s a case of bottled water. Dig in!”


Opposites attract.

true for magnets, not sure how long for happy relationships

Yeah, I've never been attracted to a woman that's the exact opposite of me.

She doesn't have to be just like me, but we have to have a significant number of things in common for there to even be a chance of a good relationship.

Shouldn’t it be something people actually said before it can be a false saying?

I don't know if anyone has said that exact quote, but there are plenty that have said that it works (using different words.)

Not to swerve off the rails to politics again, but for those old enough to remember, Reaganomics was the era of so-called trickle down

Trickle-down economics, or “trickle-down theory,” states that tax breaks and benefits for corporations and the wealthy will trickle down to everyone else

“Heated arguments are bad”

No need for politics. But what you left out was that “trickle down” was a derogatory term created used by the critics of Reagan tax cuts.

So the intersection of the set of people who use the term “trickle down” and the set of people who agreed with Reagan’s economic policies is pretty much an empty set. Anybody who says “Trickle down economics works” is a common saying sounds like they’re pushing alternative facts to me. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the economic policy, “trickle down” was a term used by critics, not supporters.

ETA: Upon fact-checking myself, the term “trickle down” is much older than the 1980s. But wikipedia agrees with my primary point, that it’s always been a derogatory, critical nomenclature, not a supportive one, and even presents some evidence that it’s an intentional mischaracterization.

Is that one false, or is that one a joke?