Coming Soon..... 4th of July Multi-light Giveaway! RSVP Here!

I’m in. Thanks!

In that case, without further ado (drum roll…), I’m in!


haven’t won so far

i’m in!

I’m in. :bigsmile:

I’m in. More cryptic clues would be a good laugh.

Yes :bigsmile:

Sign me up and let’er rip!

Thank you

I dont get it, are you asking people to donate lights for the multi-light-give away?

You don’t have to be “in” to participate? Its confusing or you don’t have to be “in” to receive a prize?

I don’t know what “in” means.

I think people are saying “Im in” without knowing what they are saying they are in for and assuming its “Im in” to win a prize.

por favor


I’m in… thanks

Never won anything in giveaways. Maybe I’ll be lucky this time? :bigsmile: Dunno, but count me in anyway :bigsmile:
Thanks, U da man! :crown:

I'll participate .


I’m in. The last one was fun!

I’d like to try to win :slight_smile:

I am in on this!

Im in