Coming Soon..... 4th of July Multi-light Giveaway! RSVP Here!

Sounds like fun! :slight_smile:

hope i can in, thx

Add me to the list!

I can't say no to the good shadow. IN!

You can’t win if you don’t play. I’m in.

I’m in!

I’m in.

I’m in.

I’m in!

Yes please.


count me in :slight_smile:

Ive already won on the Exduct contest, but Id like to join this contest too, if thats okay!


In In In
Opps forgot the “W” Win Win Win!!!

Giveaway will probably start Thursday. You can RSVP until then. You don’t have to RSVP but the rules will favor those who do.

There will be two categories: 1) several lights that will be identified and 2) one mystery light.

First category winners will be selected at random. Second category will be part skill, part luck.

I’ve enlisted the help of an outsider for clues on the skill part. He’s a slime-ball criminal psychopath, but is better at clues than I am so I’m willing to work with him to make the event more fun. :slight_smile:

I’m in too, please.

i’m in

Me too please :slight_smile:

me too please!

Too funny, I'm in!