100 Members

We're on a roll now I think! Thanks to all our great original and new members!

This is place is great...I'm sure you'll get there in no time. Great folks with great info and eager to help...I love it.

Thats what a forum is all about really.........a place for addicted people to hang out.Cool

+1 No not agreement, I mean +1 member now that I joined.

Hey there baterija, thanks for joining! Enjoy your time here, and hope we can help with your flashlight questions!

Glad to have you here.

Nice to meet you as well.......enjoy the good people of this forum since there very helpful in any question you ask.

42 Members and going up...Smile

On a roll thanks to you guys!

I would like to see 50 soon......half way mark.

The same situation!

Greetings to all. Sorry if I am not talking very well, is a Google translation.

I hope this is not interpreted as spam, or as direct competition to this forum.
We are a group of fans LED lighting and flashlights from Spain.
Like you, we have created a forum to share your/our hobby: http://www.forolinternas.com

Our forum is in Spanish, but you can translate it into your language by clicking on the flag
for an automatic translation.
We started the business earlier this year, we visited your forum as readers and to give us more

knowledge about each other this passion we share.

For now we focus more on Chinese lanterns (DX, Kai ... etc) to make mods.
Perhaps seeing some review, some may seem to you worthy of purchase.
Little by little we are looking into the flashlights of quality. We are still growing.

The intention of this post is to let us know and you can share reviews, photos, data and other impressions
of flashlights that have not yet reached your hands or you have not tried (yet).

On behalf of the administration of the forum and its moderators, you have full permission to have
all the information, photos, reviews and what will be useful.All we have is yours too.

Thanks for your attention flashaholics.

XRAYBoY - Moderator Forolinternas.com

Glad to have you here. I hope you enjoy this site.

Same from Va Beach......

New member in California just joined.

Welcome Matt! (At least I assume YouAreMatt. ;-) ) Enjoy the site, we're glad to have you.

Hola de nuevo XRAYBoY, y una cordial bienvenido de parte de BLF! Y gracias por la oferta tan gentil, voy a referirme de vez en cuando a ForoLinternas para ponerme al tanto. De igual manera, todo lo nuestro es tuyo, así que si deseas usar imágenes o hasta traducir temas del foro, bienvenido seas. Nosotros aquí en BLF tenemos el mismo enfoque en linternas chinas que sean económicas y de buena calidad. Y yo que vivo en Sudamérica no tengo opción mas que comprar linternas por internet de china, los vendedores chinos ofrecen por mucho la mejor ganga, nadie mas puede ofrecer envió gratis a destinos mundiales. Adelante! Que te vaya bien con tu sitio también.

Welcome to the site man.....may you enjoy your stay on this nice and welcoming community.

Aloha and welcome Matt! Smile

Enjoy your stay here

So far we have 50 members.....this site is going to be banging with info and most of all lights.