2000th Post Giveaway-Winner=Slim Pickens

Count me in


Count me in. Thx.

Please count me in.

Nice give away, count me in

Wow. Count me in. Thanks for being generous. :smiley:

Thank you

Count me in

Count me in, thank you :slight_smile:

Count me in!

count me in

I thought I had already posted here; cell phone apparently not reliable :frowning: if first post does re-appear I’ll just “un-countmein” this one :smiley:

anyway please count me in and thank you for this great giveaway —- if this awesome tradition continues BLF will soon be a very crowded place

Count me in :slight_smile:

Grats! Wow, buying a new light just to raffle it…

Count me in :slight_smile:

Count me in and Thanks scaru!

Thanks for this - count me in.

Congratulations on the 2000 posts - you’ve contributed loads and taught me a lot of what I now know. So please… COUNT ME IN!

Hi Scaru, thanks for the give-away.
Please count me in!

A free light? …. COUNT ME IN!!!

Count me in

Thank you!!!

I just posted # 600 and I thought that was a lot. Count me in.

Count me in

Congratulations for your 2000 posts!

I need to win this flashlight… I am a bit short of money and I can´t purchase anything XP

Also, I have no luck at all, never won anything…………

My last flashlight ordered was a tankE09…. XP

Thanks for making this possible, guys!!!