So you need thicker leads for tailcap readings... where do you buy them?

Using my Excel XL830L cheapie multimeter, just tried measuring some tailcap readings and get consistently lower readings.

Leads too thin? I’m using some leads that labels itself as MASTECH 1000V CAT III 10A, bought it at local supermarket.

Would a Fluke test lead be good?

I’m expecting some people to reply DIY own test leads (btw can’t find any good guide to DIY thick leads), but I’m wondering if there are ready-made around.

What does the resistance read when you short out the two probes?

Those leads are usually all way too thin. I use 2.5mm² speaker cable (AWG14 for US people), croco clips and banana plugs that fit my Multimeter.

I have those leads on my Fluke. I suspect they too will give you lower readings as they do for me. They are just too long. Good quality but 1.2 meter long.

Around 80ohms inconsistent.

That’s nice, quite a lot of wires intertwined together.

Ok then I won’t buy it. Any thick leads to suggest?

Most people make their own leads. A set of banana plugs and thick speaker wire work well. I don’t even have probe ends on mine. They are short only about a foot long and 16 gauge wire and the ends of the wire are tinned. That’s alll minimal parts and length so there’s practically no resistance to get in the way of a reading.

I too wouldn't mind knowing where to buy some thicker/better leads for "general use". My real test leads are broken (been using them this way for years and sick of it). I have homemade leads for current testing, but I don't like the stubby tinned ends for "probing".


Try HobbyKing. They have thick silicone wires. Even 10AWG wire is possible

Hobbyking has golden banana plugs and silicone wire these will make nice custom made cables. They also sell shrinking tube for about nothing.
AWG16 and down should make nice cables.

Mine are made from 0.2m long 1.5mm^2 super flexible wires, I tinned the ends. I also solder them direct in circuit to measure led current instead of crappy crocodile clips.

I am planning to make some thick crocodile clips myself when fasttech stocks silicone wire.

If you don’t want to make them yourself you can buy a charging adapter from hobbyking and cut one side

I have silicon wire, I can get banana plugs, so what I really need are the probe ends. Any source for those?


meh I just jam 14 gauge copper wire in the terminals…it’s 14/2 cable for household wiring which I have a ton of…you just have to make a bend in the part that goes into the DMM port for it to make contact…works quite well for the price lol

80 Ohms is way too much, I’m afraid. Getting thicker ones will definitely help.

My Fluke leads read 0.1 Ohms, so that is indeed an option. However, as others have stated, making your own would be cheaper and better.

Which Ohm setting are you guys using. On the 200 ohm setting, I get 00.3. Switching to 12 gauge leads, only gave a slight higher tail cap readings on my flashlights. So I’m assuming it isn’t bad as is, but I am in the process or getting high end banana clips and wiring for it permanently.

This is the one I’m using.

It depends on which driver you have too. on a 7135 driver it has no effect just on voltage depending drivers it makes huge difference.
If you have 0.3 ohm and a direct driven light the cables will steal 1Volt and with that decrease current a lot( here is a mistake included, who finds it?)

Thanks Werner. I’ll get the better components installed on my DMM for sure.

So how would you guys rate mine?

It jumps down to 00,1 and up to 00,2 at times…
Readings show “0” on the other OHM settings.
(got my DMM for free, so no fancy stuff. Wires are upgraded, but around 1m long measured all the way out to the tips.

I went to a local electronic shop and just bought several different replacement leads made for multimeters. One of these worked out and has given me consistent readings since. I’ve also jammed thick wires into the ports before without any modifications and it worked.

I made these leads today with a friend.

It takes very good V and A measurements (got a steady 2.81A for a 8x7135).


Pomona is suppose to be some of the best. You can find various parts here and zorotools also has a Pomona leads and parts.
From what I have read Pomona makes leads for some fluke models.
I personally would just use some heavy 16AWG or bigger silicone wire for tail cap readings. Unless you just need some better leads.
Zorotools also has discount code 5% off $25 or more (Zmail4u)
They also have larger discounts for larger orders. Google search.