Thrunite posting fake reviews (now removed)

Whoa I didn’t expect that from Thrunite! not good and really not worth it

Just playing devil’s advocate here, but could a competitor purposely use a “fake” fake review made to be easily detectable to discredit the target? It seems the right thing to do would be to delete any suspected posts, but then there will be cries of censorship. Seems like a no win situation.


Don’t believe the internet,and we also don’t take the things too seriously, I just care the quality of the product,

It’s quite possible… good to see they have removed them now.

Unfortunately this doesn’t surprise me. Thrunite has been banned from BLF for quite a few months now because of their desperate and unscrupulous behavior on BLF. They shed many crocodile tears when they were banned and promised to change their ways, but now this is just another manifestation of Thrunite’s corporate culture of lying.

That being said, there are several dealers and manufacturers out there, including some from from China, that are honest and competitive. So the best way to reward the good ones and punish the bad guys is with your dollar.

The owner of ThruNite didn’t know about this and when he found out he had them deleted, he told his staff to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

How do you know that, ezarc?

I was talking to him on Skype.

It was a staff member.

That’s why you should read BLF reviews :wink:

@CalvinIS, there is a nice little button called Mark As Spam for these occasions. I have already used it and I would suggest you do to. ;)

Thanks Calvin for the prompt elucidation of what is suggested above. Google searches can be informative, but must be treated carefully because it is often misleading because of the information that is lacking. And if information is available publicly that does not mean that it is meant to be spread freely without consideration.

That’s not what the spam button is for. However, it should have been reported and I am glad the post was removed.

I have updated the original post and its title to reflect that Thrunite-store has removed the fake reviews for the BLF Saber, but their site still seems to have fake reviews on other lights.

Huh? Oh, yeah. I buy brake pads off him. I thought we were watching cartoons.

Kreisler, where do you find these gems? :bigsmile:

im not surprised at this at all honestly… i usually base my purchases exclusively on reviews done on blf or cpf… or even youtube

Same here. :wink:

Hmm, actually, that’s not what the SPAM button is for. But at any rate, CalvinIS contacted me, which is the correct way to handle problems with posts that aren’t unsolicited commercial advertising.

As for everyone else, a quick word of caution: Just because information is available on the internet doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily public domain. We have to be careful with claims and accusations, because BLF has pretty high search ranking and a LOT of visitors. So anything that is posted is bound to be read and possibly misused or misconstrued. Thanks!

Red squirrels! We only get grey ones here.

I’m not taking sides here, but as the registered address of a business it is not “just your parents” residence is it. And I’m sure Google Maps street view and others will have a photo of the location and I suspect they won’t remove their copy.