Hypocrisy? Bias? Naaahhhh!

shill! shill!!! :stuck_out_tongue:
j/k, all you had to do was say “slightly”, and the conversation would have been over, and you were also off topic anyways :wink:
i already put in my serious contribution to this thread

Must get out the road to my other test range. Too much light pollution here. If only it’d stop snowing there. Currently –6 (About 20F) and snowing.


My car is 4x4 but can’t handle ten feet of snow.

technically the conversations was buck and boost drivers. no room for linear thinking in this thread :party:

lin·e·ar (ln-r)
1. Of, relating to, or resembling a line; straight.
a. In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line.
b. Having only one dimension.
3. Characterized by, composed of, or emphasizing drawn lines rather than painterly effects.
4. Botany Narrow and elongated with nearly parallel margins: a linear leaf.

[Latin lneris, from lnea, line; see line1.]

line·ar·ly adv.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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linear [ˈlɪnɪə]

1. of, in, along, or relating to a line
2. of or relating to length
3. resembling, represented by, or consisting of a line or lines
4. having one dimension
5. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) designating a style in the arts, esp painting, that obtains its effects through line rather than colour or light and in which the edges of forms and planes are sharply defined Compare painterly
6. (Mathematics) Maths of or relating to the first degree a linear equation
7. narrow and having parallel edges a linear leaf
8. (Electronics) Electronics
a. (of a circuit, etc.) having an output that is directly proportional to input linear amplifier
b. having components arranged in a line
[from Latin līneāris of or by means of lines]
linearity [ˌlɪnɪˈærɪtɪ] n
linearly adv

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

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lin•e•ar (ˈlɪn i ər)


1. of, consisting of, or using lines: linear design.
2. pertaining to or represented by lines: linear dimensions.
3. extended or arranged in a line: a linear series.
4. involving measurement in one dimension only.
5. of or pertaining to the characteristics of a work of art defined chiefly in terms of line.
6. having the form of or resembling a line: linear nebulae.
7. Math.
a. consisting of, involving, or describable by terms of the first degree.
b. having the same effect on a sum as on each of the summands: a linear operation.
8. narrow and elongated.
[1635–45; < Latin līneāris; see line1, -ar1]
lin`e•ar′i•ty, n.
lin′e•ar•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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linear (ln-r)
Being or resembling a line.




Is it still snowing? :open_mouth:

since i must have implicitly agreed to a bunch of terms and conditions upon joining this thread, i should inform you that you have now agreed to give up your first born upon request J)

aluminum or aluminium anyone?

and just so you know, if you pick aluminum, your wrong…… :stuck_out_tongue:

we’ve still got a bit knocking about round here, I thought you southerners were still getting hammered?

depends. if i look at any of my lights besides my 26650 mag, its aluminum
if it is my 26650 mag, its my aluminium torch… makes me feel sort of sophisticated


your getting there, we’ll teach you English yet.

“Can’t wait!”

Just finished! :slight_smile:

My wrong what? :bigsmile:

See what I did there? Because it’s supposed to be You’re for you are not your. Don’t ya just hate grammar Nazis?

Call me Mr. late for super. |(


P.S. The doctor is back!

Currently –4 and dry.

It has rained (once) in the last four months. The temperature even once reached 0. Once. For about ten minutes. It might hit two degrees on Wednesday.

Or it might not.

I don’t think his spelling of aluminium counts; he couldn’t spell his first name right.

Make it simple for me to understand. I just modded a light with a 1.0A buck boost driving a Nichia 219. How would that relate to my light when running it on a 14500 as compared to an Eneloops.
Keep it simple so I can easily comprehend.

don’t “you” just hate grammar nazis…. :bigsmile:

Feel for you Don. Grim place the UK at times. :bigsmile: