[07-JUN-2013] Please testdrive BLF on a different server

The test server seems very fast and responsive to me.

+1 Same here. Seems faster than the "usual" BLF, but could be due to less load.


Sb, I know this is going to sound weird, but I have some pretty great speeds (40+ mbps up) here at my house, if you want I could essentially DOS it just to give it a bit more of a load. ;) I have a nice 8 core AMD desktop with wired connection sitting ready.

i think i may have crashed it :bigsmile: sorrrry

i tried to log in. it went slow, then loaded, then i went back to the homepage and it went to the site offline page

Site off-line. Let’s blame it on Pulsar. Just because. :wink:

The site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding.

I just managed to crash mySQL (actually MariaDB), but that was searching for the word “the”. :smiley:

I figure if he get’s us panicked over the near total loss of our beloved BLF, then restores it…he’ll be planning on a whole new series of lights showing up at his doorstep! :wink:

Just kidding of course, thanks for all the hard work your’e doing on this sb. It’s appreciated in a very big way!

is "the" like chuck norris? you dont find -the-, -the- finds you

faster than the old one (before the problems) i think…

My internet connection is always quite slow, so I appreciate your collective observations about the speed (or lack thereof) on your end.

Just rebooted the server.

Mostly very fast. Every once in a while it lags just a bit, but still very fast.

how many times do i have to mark someone as spam to get their account blocked? 0:)

Ok, now, please be merciless. Open as many pages as you can at once. There’s a Chrome extension called “linkclump” that lets you shift+select to open multiple links at once. Try it on the recent posts list.


Ummm. Getting the main page, the ones with the threads listed, was fast, but if I click on one of the threads, it’s not so fast. For example, this one:

took ~14 seconds for the thread to appear.


P.S. SB, can you enable the search function… to see how that works speed-wise?

i just opened about 100 blf threads at once... i dont think my computer liked it very much

I suspect it will be a bit slow on some pages still because the cache isn’t warm yet.

I’ve been trying the search function, but something isn’t working because of my quick provisional hack.

I just discovered that private messages do work on this testbed. So blast away. :slight_smile: That will help to simulate real load.

i had already discovered that ;)

is me just about crashing my pc opening 100x pages doing anything to help the research?

SB, I now have ~100 threads open and auto-refreshing every 3-5 seconds. :D

Thanks for your martyrdom! :slight_smile: The server and the DB seem to have survived it. Did most of those pages load for you?