[07-JUN-2013] Please testdrive BLF on a different server

amazingly slow

Results from one thread:

Transactions: 3000
Elapsed time: 746.643 sec
Bytes Transferred: 118,151,112 bytes
Response Time: 21.54 sec
Transaction Rate: 4.02 trans/sec
Throughput: 158243.07 bytes/sec
Concurrency: 86.5
Status Code 200: 2987
Status Code 502: 10
Status Code 504: 3

Average response of 21.54 seconds per page load isn't great, but, it doesn't look like I crashed it.. I downloaded a total of 118 Megabytes of TEXT (No Images)

Pretty dang fast now, again . . . be coming around the horn again . . .

Yeah, thats why I'm running it in a VM so I can easily just wipe everything.

Trying to Crash it… |(

BooM! HTTP:Service Unavailable.

7311: Service Unavailable

7377: Bad Gateway

7525: Bad Gateway

7426: Bad Gateway

7438: Bad Gateway

7324: Bad Gateway

7279: Bad Gateway

7434: Bad Gateway

7337: Service Unavailable

7372: Bad Gateway

7253: Bad Gateway

7343: Bad Gateway

7382: Service Unavailable

7410: Service Unavailable

7479: Bad Gateway

7433: Service Unavailable

7269: Service Unavailable

7207: Service Unavailable

Okay, I've "helped" enough.


I think you might want to consider setting a maximum concurrent connections per IP limit… I know this is a test but any server would be slow if a bunch of people were downloading everything at the same time.

I've only got an 80gb hdd too, I would just be f'n myself I think. It was also downloading a lot of other sites too.

I knew what wget does, butwasn't sure what all the other parameters did lol

Yeah, in that post I forgot, I should have added the --domains flag.

Interesting. I thought MariaDB would go down first. Or maybe the entire OS.

Know of an easy way to configure this perchance?

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 10 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset

You can send the wget downloads to /dev/null instead of filling up your drive, no?


Last time I needed it I asked my host to do it for me but let me check on my server for a minute. You have WHM + CPanel, right?

Edit: Aaaand it’s answered already by another member! I love BLF :smiley:

True, so you could add "-P /dev/null"

I don't know, I'm not too savvy on all the terminal commands. Pretty new to linux

wget --recursive --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links -domains --no-parent -P /dev/null/

Fantastic support isn’t it. :slight_smile: To answer your question, no, I don’t have any control panel. Just a barebones CentOS 6 shell. For that reason, I might have a few questions in the near future for PilotPTK about my httpd.conf.