[07-JUN-2013] Please testdrive BLF on a different server

Okay, I've "helped" enough.


I think you might want to consider setting a maximum concurrent connections per IP limit… I know this is a test but any server would be slow if a bunch of people were downloading everything at the same time.

I've only got an 80gb hdd too, I would just be f'n myself I think. It was also downloading a lot of other sites too.

I knew what wget does, butwasn't sure what all the other parameters did lol

Yeah, in that post I forgot, I should have added the --domains flag.

Interesting. I thought MariaDB would go down first. Or maybe the entire OS.

Know of an easy way to configure this perchance?

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 10 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset

You can send the wget downloads to /dev/null instead of filling up your drive, no?


Last time I needed it I asked my host to do it for me but let me check on my server for a minute. You have WHM + CPanel, right?

Edit: Aaaand it’s answered already by another member! I love BLF :smiley:

True, so you could add "-P /dev/null"

I don't know, I'm not too savvy on all the terminal commands. Pretty new to linux

wget --recursive --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links -domains --no-parent -P /dev/null/

Fantastic support isn’t it. :slight_smile: To answer your question, no, I don’t have any control panel. Just a barebones CentOS 6 shell. For that reason, I might have a few questions in the near future for PilotPTK about my httpd.conf.

PM Away SB - I'm happy to help.

SB You should really consider building/buying a NICE server (8Gb+ RAM, SSD, Intel Xeon or i5) and then just having it hosted. There's a place less than 5 miles from my house that has Burstable Gigabit connections, 100MB guaranteed, 2TB/Month of Transfer, Battery and Generator Backup, Security, the works.. For a Mid-Tower or 1U Rack Server.. $50 per month.

Then you control the hardware.. Need more RAM? Ship two sticks of DDR3 to them and they'll install it in your box for you. Small tasks like that they usually do free of charge.

I'm done for the night. Just stopped all threads.. Let me know if I can help.

Last Thread:
Transactions: 4000
Elapsed time: 1989.436 sec
Bytes Transferred: 152,245,863 bytes (152 Mega Bytes)
Response Time: 39.49 sec
Transaction Rate: 2.01 trans/sec
Throughput: 76527.14 bytes/sec
Concurrency: 79.4
Status Code 200: 3848
Status Code 502: 35
Status Code 503: 108
Status Code 504: 9

Thank you VERY much! PM sent.

it seems like its been crashing alot lately :slight_smile:

Its slower for me.