How do you pronounce nanjg?

I just use the other “nan-jang-stye” drivers :smiley:
… Qlite, Lumodrv… Much more pleasing in every possible way…


Added you too! :smiley:

Added you too! :smiley:

As in “nan-gee” ?

Yeah, pretty much like that.

I've always pronounced it as nang as in hang or gang. Silent "J" all the way. LOL.

Thanks guys, updated! :smiley:

I prefer Nanjing. It sounds better to my ears.

I never pronounced it, I don't know anyone I could talk about flashlight drivers with

I always read it like "nunshg". Sounds weird though.


You don't pronounced NANJG. NANJG pronounces you.

It rhymes with “qbmlkr”

I say nan-jing, like the city in China, Nanjing. I always assumed it was named after that city.

Nope, like nan with a j on the end, I probably did it wrong. Maybe nan-j-guh is a better way of putting it. the ‘uh’ isn’t that noticable though, just to highlight that it’s with a hard g, so really it’s just nan-j-g. I just say it how it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, how many languages do u know?
Bahasa Melayu, English, Mandarin…

Lol I never thought about that I could pronounce it wrong…I say nanjang(pronounced nan like none, jang like gang with a j like jelly)
Sometimes with long Chinese like A’s “naanjaang”

We reallly need to have a BLF meetup so that we can talk about Nanjg driver! :smiley:

I've always said ...NAN jinG

Therefore it must be right

Dry-vuh. Easy, really.

One of those automatic fill in the missing letter things for me, I’ve never even noticed it’s not nanjing.
