Giveaway - UniqueFire C108 From LightsCastle - We have a Winner!

I’m in…thanks!

Thanks for the giveaway!

I’m in, thank you very much. :slight_smile:

Count me in, please! :slight_smile:

count me in thanks.

Count me in, thanks!

Thank You O.L.

You must have a white beard, a red suit, and funny looking dogs with antlers ......

Thanks for being generous and doing this.

In. Thanks Lights Castle and OL!

In for post #100!

I’m in.

great looking light. in, thanks

You cannot win, if you do not play.

I’m in, thanks.

I’m in, love surprises.

Sweet, count me in.


Count me in for the giveaway, Old-Lumens!

Thank you and best of luck to everyone.

I am in,thanks.

Thank you… I’m in !