Giveaway - TWO Tank007 M10 lights - Courtesy of Tmart. - WE HAVE WINNERS!

Count me in, thanks OL :slight_smile:

count me in, thanks

Thank you!!!

Count me in pls! Tks Justin!

I’m in, thanks OL.

I’m all in - thank you!

In. Hoping for the tir!

hopefully, I win this light. Thanks OL.

I’d like in on this one too please. Lets face it, I’m the last cr123a cowboy around here. Thanks!

i’m in, thanks OL

Thank you. I’m in! :slight_smile:

I’m in…THANKS “OL”!!

This is a wonderful month! I’m in, thanks

Either one is fine by me! Thanks!

Boy o boy. I’m liking the giveaway odds old lumens is giving us.

These look nice, I'll try!

Thanks OL!!!

I'm in!

Thanks for the giveaway O-L!

I’m in!

Count me in, please. :slight_smile: