Greed Pays ...

Sure thing,

I primarily charge liions with a hobby charger so that isn’t an issue. I do however run a ton of unprotected cells.

I thought it over and do have 2 x 17670 AW cells somewhere. I’ll now exclusively run those cells in this light. But yeah, basically I run a LOT of unprotected cells. That’s the main reason why I never sought to get into liion lights in serial. However if I keep it to one light of this type I should be okay. Wish me luck on this front :stuck_out_tongue:


I grabbed 3 502b’s as well. Also picked up 2 of the headlamps that were $4.89. since everyone is picking up some 502bs, I wonder how many they actually have in stock?

Well, if it is a scam at least I will not be alone on this one. :slight_smile:

I noticed a few other sellers mimicked the prices, ill see if I can find a link.\_odkw=&\_osacat=0&\_armrs=1&\_ssn=cardvddvr2013&\_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1311.R1.TR11.TRC1.A0.XFlash&\_nkw=flashlight&\_sacat=0&\_from=R40

Go crazy folks, he has 5 more of the triples, some C8’s and more headlamps.

The photos show XM-L… 3 bond wires and 6 strips.

Woops, yep you’re right. I thought I saw silver substrate.

Man, I hope I didn’t start a loser thread :~

Thats what paypal disputes are for. :smiley: Thanks for posting.

damn… can’t help it but pulled the trigger on 1 of those 3 XML… for $7.36 for triple LEDs Skyray? can’t be beat.
even if it’s a scam… I won’t have a big headache trying to collect it :stuck_out_tongue: think of it as Christmas giveaway :wink:
But I have to refrain from buying more… you know what they say… if it’s too good to be true, then… :zipper_mouth_face:

Dispute it if it doesn’t arrive before ~44 days.
Do they like to send an empty box or piece of junk with tracking so they can try to claim they actually did send it? Wouldn’t do any good when a bunch of disputes from different buyers come in.


If the seller doesn’t come through maybe we can all get together and dispute right around the same time. That way paypal could see its a recurring thing. I really don’t think its a scam, it doesn’t seem to fit the seller’s profile. But I guess its possible the seller is feed up with loosing money or ebay and is collecting all he can on his way out. Will know soon enough I guess. :open_mouth:

Don’t worry about it. It looks fine and if it isn’t no big deal. It’s not the normal one anyway.

This is going to be a fun thread to watch.

well… I filed with paypal last year, and got my money back.
as soon as other buyers start complaining, then it would be obvious to paypal that this is a fraudulent seller.
usually you’ll get the money back in about 2 months

2 months?

If you paid by cc, why not just file a dispute on your cc?
Based on non-receipt of goods, my card issuer takes the transaction off my bill instantly.

you have to wait after 45 days before paypal will take action… and then another 2 weeks before they will reimburse your claim… so about 2 months.
it just annoying what you have to do to get your money back :weary:

For those C8 lovers.
C8 flashlight battery (crap) charger (probably crap)
It would make a good host as the led is a xre.

That’s what I’m saying. That’s why I only pay by cc through PayPal. It takes PayPal out of the loop if there is a problem.