Battery size.

Hello All!!!

I’m looking for a 3.7V lithium rechargeable that is shorter than a 16340 but longer than a CR2.
It can be up to 18mm wide.

Your input will be highly appreciated.


Never mind. I’m not sure such animal exists.

A Dremmel, imagination and perseverance, have made a titless 16340 fit.

Thank you for reading. Carlos.

The CR2 (3.0 & 3.7v) is also known as 15270. Subtract that from the 16340 (RCR123) and you get a 7mm difference. There is no other battery between the sizes of RCR123 and CR2 except for the 10280 cells (8mm diff). So you also perhaps need is an 8mm (16mm diameter) aluminium battery spacer (HERE) that can allow either the 15270 and 10280 to charge in an Ultrafire WF-138 battery charger for 16340 that can switch btw 3.0 to 3.7v. Beware the bare aluminium 8mm spacer cannot be used in a flashlight unless you tape up the edges otherwise it may cause a short circuit from contact with the inner tube.

Hi Orion.

Wow!!! I’m really impressed!!. Thank you!!.
Also, the link looks like they have all I need.

Thanks again, Carlos.