Is Manafont Dead?

when i visit


:confused: end to a chapter in diy history…

what the… :open_mouth:

best reply in this thread so far


Holy cow! :D

Here's a screenshot for posterity:


What this their new management?parallel universe...what is happening?Let's have a moment of silence for my manapoints.


Acquired by DX?

maybe their new management is DX?

Seriously, who cares about Manifont these days? They're so yesterday anyway. I stopped buying from them well over a year ago...

I certainly hope Manafont evil doesn’t flow into DX.

your assuming manafont was more evil then DX :bigsmile:

i am sure you mean Kaindomai. Does it still exist?

Oh yes, I had a 100% failure rate with MF whereas 30% with DX. 0:)

I totally forgot about them.

well, i think manafont was better geared towards diy than the big retailers… they would let you swap smo/op reflectors, sold quite a few popular bare hosts etc

I don’t know about the others but personally I have good experience with Kaidomain. The most recent one is the Courui big head thrower from KD.