Eagle Video Tutorials BLF Style

Great series of videos. Hopefully others will try their hand at it now.


Can I import your .brd (or the download file) from OSHPark into eagle and “tweak” them…as in say I get Tiny12 modify it a bit, enlarge it to 15mm, or do I need the schematic file you build your original board from?

You make it looks so dang easy…

You need the .sch and .brd file but yes, I can provide both and you can tweak to your hearts content.

I noticed something in video Part 2 (not sure if my OCD, or the fact that I clicked back about a bazillion times to make sure I entered EXACTLY what you entered) :stuck_out_tongue:

At 9:35 you label the symbol left leg OUT and right led VDD, but when you hide the label, then in text under info you reversed them (at 10:13)…would that cause an issue when building the schematic? Or does the connect logically connect them the proper way under the build device section?

See the "amendment" video. But yes, it screwed me up later and I had to redo the PCB video.


Very interesting I may never get to your level but just playing with the software a bit is fun.

Great job on the videos well done.

Thanks for taking the time.


Did you build your resistor and capacitor parts, I found them picking thru but when I go to add them to schematic…they aren’t there

IPC Standard SMD Packages
This is a package-only library, based on the Surface Mount Design and Land Pattern Standard developed by the Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging electronic Circuits (IPC).

Has the green button, but when I hit add part it doesn’t show up in the list…uggh

Um, you might have the brd layout only.

You can use mine:

C_0603: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vnjwj2p9z1kpsbx/C_0603.lbr

C_0805: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vjp519alpdh3i11/C_0805.lbr

R_0603: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpgrd56e0nyhvhh/R_0603.lbr

Just download and paste those into the eagle library directory. No need to run any scripts.

diode and all that good stuff? So far they are showing up…do you use 0603 or 0805 for your smaller builds…probably the 0603

Try this


Yeah I use all 0603 unless specified (higher power requirements etc)

Great videos you have make caused me thinking to up-date my EAGLE 5 to 6.

Dang…15mm is sooooo teeny tiny…running out of room to put the 7135 chips

How do you put components on the bottom?

I think I might have room for 5 chips if I can put the 4 7135’s on the bottom around the center positive contact

Use the mirror command. I talk about it in the tips and tricks video. I think.

There is a mirror switch in the tool bar. Left click the mirror switch and then left click the component. The component will turn blue to indicate that it was mirrored to the bottom layer. Now, you can put it to where as you wish in the bottom side. The icon is look like this [ l ].

15mm is not tiny! Try 10mm. :smiley:
Waiting for oshpark to send recent 10mm design I did.

When starting out it can be good to try for too much in a small board. Don’t want to get discouraged.

Ah got it…mirror the components you want on the bottom side, then only show bottom, bPlace, bOrigins, bNames and you can see the bottom only…learning a bit at a time

My one major complaint with Eagle is there appears to be no "quick switch" button. If I want to switch between working on the top or bottom layer excusively, I have to open up the layers panel and deselect/select all the layers I want. It sounds lazy but it's a pain. What would be nice is a function where you can definte your top and bottom layers you want to use, and then all you have to do is press a button or hot key and whammo...switched layers.

Alas it does not exist. I wonder if someone can write a script?

EDIT: looks like it's actually possible: http://dangerousprototypes.com/2012/07/25/how-to-eagle-shortcuts/

Might have to muck around with this at some point.

DISPLAY None Top tOrigins tPlace tStop tTest tRestrict tDocu Pad Via Dimension Drills Holes Milling Measures Document Reference;

DISPLAY None Bottom bOrigins bPlace bStop bTest bRestrict bDocu Pad Via Dimension Drills Holes Milling Measures Document Reference;

Delete layers you don’t use. :bigsmile:

Can't believe I never bothered looking this up, despite complaining about it every time I use Eagle...which is daily. I amaze myself sometimes haha.

IIRC you change your grid to mm when starting a new project. I always work in mm as well.

Grid on mm 0.1 10 dots alt mm 0.01;

10 would be for multiple.