It's getting ridiculous.. I should stay away from BLF for awhile

I can see the top shelf sagging under the sheer weight :stuck_out_tongue:

I would suggest calling flashaholics101 anonymous for advice on how to control this addiction :wink:

I on the other hand need to take a course on how to acquire more lights.

Donations greatly accepted to further enrich my addiction :money_mouth_face:

Your not alone. :bigsmile:
Here is “some” of my light collection:

Just wow!

Did you ever think it might be prudent to have 2 sets of batteries for each light? Just in case of an emergency or something. Like a Zombie Apocalypse! Yep, the habit gets worse.

I think I have more batteries than lights to put them in. The closest I have to that is my drawer of unmodded Mininags and Solitaires.

Whats the gold light on the top shelf on right ?

Rufusbduck, now your scaring the hell outta me! If I don’t get a grip, I’m gonna get a whole drawer of MiniMags!

Daylighter, please don’t put that TM36 on the top shelf. I can’t bare the pain of another shelf disaster thread!

-deleted other post, brain fart :zipper_mouth_face:

its the Steam Pipe Light for this year’s Scratch-Build Contest, here: >> DBSAR - The 2nd. Annual BLF Scratch Made Light Contest Entry / UPDATE -June 27th, more photos

its like how many light do you need?the answer is just 1 but when asked how many light do you want?the answer is a lot :slight_smile:

That’s what I do… which is what makes torch buying more expensive. Oh a Tk61 only costs $140? Nope, you’ve got to buy another 8 batteries for it so add another $40.

Your middle shelf is too crowded, looks cramped, not to mention the upcoming.
Better send some to me to make it in order :smiley:

it will be easier for you to leave your wife…

All those gold SRK’s 8)

Sell some!
(…but, which ones…?)

Post a picture of them ALL on turbo, pointed at a ceiling! light show please!

Why do you have so many unopened boxes? Do you sell them? I don’t understand…

I’m with you daylighter. I’ve spent $3500 since April …. Time for a break.

Actually… Yes I did have batteries for each of my light and have some more spare for ” just in case”