LD-40! (17mm Buck driver, 3-16.8v!)

The general rule of thumb for buck drivers is something like 1-1.2v overhead needed to remain in regulation.

The driver appears to be named LD-40, not 44. :wink:

I’m going to try this one out though. Can’t go wrong for that price if it can deliver 3-4A and still be above 65% efficiency.

Good luck, mine have been stuck at 'origin post is preparing shipment' since the 26th.

GRRRRRRRR saw LD 44 in the recent posts and thought yeah new Fenix light, ah well encourages me to pay more attention, Naw CBA.

LOL, is that better?

Yes thats better for those of us (me) that fail to pay attention to the section the post is in due to there excitement over the prospect of a new Fenix light.

Thank You

Awaiting the results of modding this driver I ordered two, hoping that they can be made to deliver 4A current. (and still battling with Fasttech's Bonnie to get them to deliver the Uniquefire UF-1405 instead of the wrongly delivered UF-1406 )

Hopefully the stock current is so low only to help out with making it usable with only 1 cell (see the Nichia discussion a few posts up), that inductor looks far too beefy for such low current. If the other parts of the driver are truly limited to not much over 2A I think they would have used a 2A inductor, which would be a lot smaller than what's on there.

Looking forward to an update on these.

same here ,might be good option for car applications as well.

Nothing more than pictures so far...

I ordered several of them on 9/15, and it took until today (9/20) for them to show up as “Acceptance” at USPS.com :(…


IOS calls it an LD-4B

Also the output currents are different.

Max is up to 2.4A

There are also mode groups…

Maybe that’s what the solder pads on the battery side are for, i.e., select either 1-mode, or 3-mode?

IOS- always starts in high.

CNQG- always starts in low.

Comfy, do you know if this could be coerced into a P60?

I have one. It is too high to fit in the standard P60 brass pill.

Thanks syracuse.

Magnetics, Inc. makes a special line of thin toroid cores. I wonder if replacing the stock inductor with one of those would suffice for P60 compatibility. Magnetics’ documentation is pretty comprehensive; if one is really inclined to try this they may just find one that will support the requisite flux without saturating.

Have you started testing it yet? And if so, do you have any data (Iin, Vin vs. Iemitter,Vemitter, etc.)?

Sorry, I have not done anything yet - very busy with my children and my work…
I’m planning to make some P60 copper pills to use with this driver and the BLF17DD.


compared with LD33.