Test: Efest 18500 1000mAh 15A



Top & bottom Label pic

Discharge Graphs

Charging Graphs


Batteries provided for testing by: Coval Vapes

To simplify testing and prevent mistakes, batteries in each test were charged at 0.5A and discharged to 2.80V.

More battery tests here. -- DONATIONS.

Wow…daggum, nice review…thanks!

Thanks. I have a few more to publish through the weekend if I can find time between getting ready to move.

I like your spread sheet layout at the top. It gives lots of info thats easy to read. I'n not sure the battery dimensions are quite right though. Thanks again for the effort.

It's the rare and mysterious 50500 battery. :D Thanks for catching that.

TY for the review. Seems good up to 10 amps to me. After that the cells track differently.