Nobel prize in physics 2014 to led scientists.

Nobel prize in physics today!

(edit; Changed to a better(?) titel.)


Just wanted to be first here on the forum.
Somebody who has english as his first language could
give a good link with technical expl…., please?

thank you ohaya

Just confirmed, we’re all scientists :bigsmile:

It is not exactly fast they got the prize, it is more than 20 years ago they made the blue led.

Nothing unusual about that. Most recipients of Nobel prizes in science receive the award long after the honored work.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Hey, where’s my Nobel prize? I invented the Smoke Emitting Diode and its cousin the Noise Emitting Diode long before those doofuses invented that blue thing…

saw this earlier, they deserve it

we can nominate you for the IG Nobel prize

here you go sir :beer:

You only get the noble prize

BTW, the Nobel winners didn’t invent the blue LED. CREE had a blue silicon carbide LED before Nichia, et al. It was rather dim, 5mm… but a pretty shade of cyan.

I’ve still got a few… somewhere. I bought them because my quantum electronics professor iinsisted there would never be a blue LED and gave all sorts of reasons why. I insisted there could and would be blue LEDs… thus he owed me a beer… which cost him considerably less than those rub-your-nose-in-it blue LEDs cost me. We never considered UV LEDs… everybody knows it’s utterly preposterous that those could ever be built…

wait…what? There is a prize FOR letting the magic smoke out?

Dang…sign me up :smiley:

Remember that there are X-ray lasers (that should really be called xasers).

I'll pay that. Cheques in the mail.

Well deserved prize, none of us would be here today if it wasn’t for it. :bigsmile:

So... scientists perfected LED light over twenty years ago?

Seems legit.

Invented, not perfected. They are still improving.