Just a useless thread. I figured WTH.....

why not one central reviewed thread, stickied??

Dunno’ what you mean but it sounds like a great idea 8)

My only issue with that is the inherent problem with stickies on forums. It requires the OP to keep it updated. I wish there were a way for multiple people to author a thread like the way a wiki entry is authored, but have the entries be in the regular forum area instead of a separate wiki section that no one ever visits.

Well it would only be a good idea if the reviews were able to be sorted by battery type, output, LED type, etc. Otherwise a big mashup of all the reviews in one page is not toooo useful.

There's a guy on reddit named Parametrek that might be able to help with that if he gets some help compiling the data.

And how useful are they now…? At least the collective thread de-clutters the forum page……AND I alphabetized them…
38/50 threads stickied……

Well, if people want a light added the the page, then they can post in the thread I made…I will make an effort to add their light to the main list. Already did a couple. Then a mod can clean up the thread occasionally…

To be clear, I don't think this is a bad idea, it's that I think it could be done so much better of the forum software allowed it.