You have a Flashlight addiction when:

UPS has aluminum trucks. I tested with a magnet.

You have a Flashlight addiction when:
You’ve been sick and gone and out of touch and you check in with BLF before you log in to your email account :wink:

Been away from BLF. Just logged in for the first time in about 18 weeks.

PS. It’s worse than I thought. My first post back, was participating in a group buy :wink: :bigsmile:

Welcome back!

Welcome back! :slight_smile:

You have a fashlight addiction when pie costs more than casserole. :bigsmile:

When you see this image and first thought that pops your mind is “how deep this reflector is?” :stuck_out_tongue:

- You have a flashlight addiction when you've modded more lights in a week than most people own in their entire life .

- When you have more posts on a flashlight forum than the Administrator.

-When people cower when they show you their light .

-When you lie about the price of your light (low).

-When You buy a light and really like it ....and then buy 4 more .

-When you consider buying another car because you have the perfect light for it .

-When you get excited about your girlfriends laptop needing a new battery.

At least you didn’t get a new girlfriend because you had the right light for her.
Nice post!

When your post man brings you a bundle of 5 good size packages but notices none are from China and asks if you got the one you were waiting for last week.

When you have to sign for a package from China and arnt home so you get a pink slip and under sender the postman writes “China”.

You can never order just one.

You really can’t resist a GB, even if it is a light you aren’t too much interested in, and you have other lights already on the way.

You have flashlights coming, but they are taking a while to get to you, so, getting antsy, you make a trip to the store just to buy a flashlight, even though you don’t need one anyway.

When you decide to stop buying flashlights, then you start using the excuse of buying flashlights for others, and try to find more people to keep buying them for.

I’ve done all the above. :frowning:

When you go to work on a Sunday night just so you can log onto BLF. :bigsmile:

aye carumba, the first thought before i read the description was what size of reflector is that :open_mouth:

you know you're an addict when ....An alkaline leaks all over one of your favorite lights and after you get a pile of white powder from the light you snort it all just so you can share the pain they tried to inflict on one of your babies .

... nobody puts baby in a coroner

Red Forman with that quote is so appropriate!

You have a Flashlight addiction, when you get bad news at the doctors, you get depressed and come home and order a light just to feel better :expressionless:

should we ask what kind of bad news?

It’s called retail therapy. :slight_smile:

I love this thread and don’t want to derail it. So let’s just say, I get to appreciate my time a lot more now :slight_smile:

the dealers are not helping much with all the sales they are having. (not that I am complaining… much)