Quake1 on an oscilloscope

For those into frequencies check out Quake1 being displayed on an oscilloscope. I know I remember those days when Quake1 was like out of this world to play, now it also looks like out of this world to see it on a oscilloscope screen.

pretty sick!

I think I remember the game.

I need a new oscilloscope.

Mine only plays Doom. :_(

oh.. maybe I was thinking about Doom...

now I am lost ;)

Oh the memories :wink:

Doom is much older, I have not played that when it was it's time, in 1993. Quake1 is a bit later, much better graphics, if you can say such thing.

Seeing it on an oscilloscope is almost incredible, how the frequencies are interpreted to generate a space.

quake on a tiny vector scan monitor.
that reminds me of the star castle in my shed i need to fix……