Re-post: How to deal with trolls

hmmm, was this issue related to the guy who prefers xmls rather than xml2s?

His two massive threads have been reduced to one post a piece, so I would say "yes". :)

Hi, my name is Gary and Im a troll.


Hey everyone! My name is raccoon.

I like to call myself a "friendly troll."

And what i like to do is troll malicious trolls.

I'm starting to learn that this is the wrong thing to do.

And here's a little cartoon that shows why my actions are wrong.

(I would be the guy on the right.)

So, the next time I see malicious trolling, I plan to report it instead of making the situation worse.

too shay

Beware the limerick troll. He won’t piss you off, he’ll groan you off.

Too bad , I had saved those two threads to read on the metro this coming week now I got nothing to read :nerd_face:

Caught reading the tabloids again! In this case the news not fit to print.

To make up a poem that’s a limerick

With Trolls in you need to be quite quick

From the Raccoons Gruff

To The Clipper playing rough

I’ve attempted so many I feel sick!!

This is just a harmless bump .

Or is it ....

To be honest, I can’t remember doing anything trollish lately, so I’m not sure how this came up.

And because guys seems to take this trolling business so seriously :wink:

Check out if you haven’t already Trollhunter

why is this under a bridge?

One of them is back!

Don't lick.