Re-post: How to deal with trolls

Beware the limerick troll. He won’t piss you off, he’ll groan you off.

Too bad , I had saved those two threads to read on the metro this coming week now I got nothing to read :nerd_face:

Caught reading the tabloids again! In this case the news not fit to print.

To make up a poem that’s a limerick

With Trolls in you need to be quite quick

From the Raccoons Gruff

To The Clipper playing rough

I’ve attempted so many I feel sick!!

This is just a harmless bump .

Or is it ....

To be honest, I can’t remember doing anything trollish lately, so I’m not sure how this came up.

And because guys seems to take this trolling business so seriously :wink:

Check out if you haven’t already Trollhunter

why is this under a bridge?

One of them is back!

Don't lick.

I’d guess it’s a group effort, just like something out of the Troll FAQ:

In your forum we all like to hang

Wreaking havoc with never a pang

And what we like the best

Is when everyone's stressed

It is more fun to troll with a gang

Our victims we love to harangue

As we enter your thread with a bang

And we won't ever rest

Until you're depressed

That's the Tao of our little Troll gang

That FAQ description is an old fashioned forum war. Originally these were done to drive new traffic to a site. Depending on the tactic of the trolls and nature of the sites youd be surprised how well it can work.

Whoa! My next post is going to be titled: “How to deal with optical illusions”! 8)


Damn. JTC picture got me and then sb turned it into stereo. I'll be back in a few weeks when I recover.

Just drink until it looks normal or you pass out and dream about bit.