mrsdnf 2015 BLF comp build updated post 5, 20.9.15 The light is now finished.

Come on Dale. Your being just a bit unfair here. Would an Aussie do anything like that?

Todays instalment involved doing lots of this,

to see breathtaking sights like this.

I should have added what a Pom is. Pom is short for Pommie, an Englishman.

Cheers David

MRsDNF for the win! Taking his old dad for a tour through the States, posting cute pictures of all that, softening up the judges, all it needs now is a mediocre flashlight build for the home stretch!

KKW, you have some catching up to do. A genius flashlight build will not be enough, foto's of your fabulous life are needed, perhaps of you doing charity work for the local community? Do you have any famous friends that you can mention sideways in your build thread?

I’m storing up cute pictures of my 6 year old son on vacation; beach, animals, the US’s oldest town on the 4th of July. I’m going to unload them all at once when I’m ready for a boost in my score, like a MRsDNF slayinator. :bigsmile:

Today's update tonight may be a little more sombre.

Small LEDs and multiple reflectors ( or lenses) is the way to get the most throw for size. Small LEDs can handle more current per area, because they cool better than large ones.

I hope you don’t catch one of those ’merkin accents…
like y’all :stuck_out_tongue:

No worries on that, he’s staying as far away from the south as he can. Yankees don’t say y’all, only southerners. When I found out he was touring the US, I figured I’d tune up the bikes in case he was coming anywhere near me but about the closest he came was New York, 1440 kilometers away.

Yeah, I was thinking I’d teach him how to eat Bar-B-Que and toss cow chips but he’s skeert ta come down thisaway.

And what’s wrong with “y’all”? You all, you’s guys, whatever. When your brain is boiling in 118º sun you tend to take shortcuts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides, y’all might actually like going to a rodeo and seeing some country gals in Rocky Mountain jeans…

That would look good no matter what was painted on it… Y’all.

I'm still with ya all. Its been a real blur the last week or so. Today after visiting Washington amongst a few other places we were at Niagara last night. I honestly don't know what is happening there. Needless to say the boat trip didn't sink and the views were amazing.

We are in Detroit tonight with a visit to Henry fords museum and then back on the road. Dale. Where do you get one of those things in your picture from?

Ask your wife, I’m sure she’ll have an answer that will be very definitive. :wink:

Best leave that one alone. The wife hears all though I am standing on her head where I am now.

Imagine the light show BLF members could put on there.

OP updated (at the bottom). 14.8.15.

Edit. Whoops. I've updated the fifth post. Heres a link.

Post five updated 15.8.15.

Still following the build ! :-)

It must be wonderful to have such able dogs helping you with the hard work!

Looking good :beer:

Looking great as always.

You wrote:

Wow. They lit up and kept on going. Now all I need is some sort of driver. I'm open to suggestions if anyone can help. This should work with 3 batteries in series with a buck driver. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes, you right. I remember reading some of your driver threads when I first joined BLF. So I'm sure you knew you're right. Regarding driver suggestions. RMM knows his driver stuff and I'm sure he will set you up with what he is sending to you. I think he has a couple bucks he designed that are up for the job. I really need to revisit those threads. I don't remember the diameter you are limited to. Other than his stuff, the 26mm HX-1175b1 seems to be a good candidate, but it won't have nice modes without swapping the MCU.