3rd Annual DIY Contest - prize light builds, OL and the Duck square off, OL wins!

Hmmmm, P60 and RBD. That sounds interesting. But, how about a little "not in the contest" shootout between you and me? Since I chose to stay out of it, because I had other issues, (well not those issues, I've had those issues all my life), I could play around with a couple P60 hosts I have lying around and we can do a little "mano a mano" ourselves, just for fun. Whatchathink?

That way there are two lights for prizes, or surprises.

What would be better than a fully modded P60 light as a prize?

Two fully modded P60 lights! Go for it guys! :)

Game on! You had suggested something like this as a forum wide comp a while ago and it’s still a good idea. A competition within the competition. Goggles on, gloves off.

If the duck loses will he go wading in OL's lake?

He will wade in his own lake of tears.

Mayhap at some point a challenge will be issued to build a particular light, see what everyone can do given the same starting place. What an interesting concept.

OL would start with a MiniMag and make it a monster, BDuck would chop it down and macro it, complete with fins. lol Me? I’d mess it up and file it in the circular with Steve’s. lol

No, you would turn it into a bullet light.

And n10sivern would build an under barrel launcher, while TexasPyro shoots the range footage and gathers data. Maybe next time.

You are starting to know me a little too well :wink:

Only what you choose for me to know. :wink:

Google is an amazing wealth of information.

Only if you look and some things it’s better not to know. Ever hear the phrase “too much information”?

Mr Duck. As much as I like you as a mate and as talented as you are as a master craftsman of miniaturisation I must warn you that you have not a hope of winning this comp without outside assistance. Being the nice guy I am I've just snuck into the OL cave of destruction and stolen all his files. No need to pay me this time as I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. For those that don't know OL is nothing without his bastards. As a special treat to all reading this I took a picture while I was there of the OL cave where artistic performances are carried out daily with his dancing files with flute music playing in the background. I believe the sound track playing while I was there was from David Carradines Kung Fu series.

To keep the peace can you please not tell OL that I was there as he does know where I live. If theres anything else you need doing RBD to assist in you winning by fair means let me know.

Just tell me wth to do with this roll of rice paper and tell him to keep the frigging pebble. As far as winning goes, I haven’t a chance of beating him but thankfully I’m only going against the imagination of a duck.

You'll be right. Ducks are very clever creatures. They fly north for the winter.

OL can read. He just PM'd me threatening me with great pain if I don't return his files. Looks like its back to all the best to both of you and the winner will be the guys or girls that end up with these lights. I honestly love what you guys are doing and we'll all learn from what you both do and create.

You should see my launch controllers… they are wicked-ass cool… if I say so myself. GPS/IMU/compass/range mapping / LCD touch screen / several mile range / multi-channel/multi-pad / no-single-point-of-failure / continuous fault mointoring / military-grade crypto / slices / dices / makes Julienne fries

I picked up a file this morning, looked at it and said "you dirty bastard", well, I had forgotten to clean it after using it last night. It was a half round coarse bastard file. Hey, why do they call them by that name? Steve, when you tour the US, your bus will have several minor breakdowns. Just keep to the back of the bus and you will be safe.

To be perfectly honest I’ve seriously enjoyed both your own launch videos and those you’ve linked. Memorable, to say the least. Just wish there were more ways to combine efforts to make more kodak moments. Salad bowl satellite launch?

New pic in op.

More pics, 7/11.