
Eight here.

always good stuff at mtm

good luck to all. Im in!

Bursar! It’s time for your Dried Frog Pills!

I’m in!

Yeah 12! :slight_smile:

I’ll take unlucky 13!
YESS!!! :party:

All you Triskaidekaphobics are safe now.

Do we get that neat penny stamp too?

But how could you even be sure that you were really there?!

I’ve been to the Unseen University!

Lucky 15?

Thanks hank, I’m in with luckiest 16!

Sure, why not. 4000k pennies sounds good to me!

In! And I wonder what would be shipping for 4000k pennies. :zipper_mouth_face:

thanks hank

Looks like I’m #20.

Im in. Sub 30 for a change !

Been waiting for lucky 21. Vegas baby

Edit: dang 22. Reminds me of robin Williams football player with balloons for shoulder pads. Looks at jersey and revises what number he thinks he was.

I’m in
Thanks Hank

I’m in.
lucky 23?

TYVM! :santa:

Thanks for the giveaway

hank (not hank Wang) your skills at finding technical info is appreciated. thumbsup