WARNING: Cometa – read/fix BEFORE inserting battery

UPDATE 10-05-2016


UPDATE 09-05-2016

Consolidating a few of the various fix posts so people don’t have to trudge back ~15 pages.

UPDATE 01-05-2016

1) From when i received the sample i never had a shortcircuit or malfunction, it is obvious that i would have say. I tested KeePPower 26650 5200 protected, LG HE2, Panasonic PF.
The problem as i read in the previous posts is the difference in the diameter of the positive pole: Efest have a wider + pole than KeePPower. So only with some battery the positive contact touch the brass pill creating a shortcircuit. Neal has find a solution with adopting a plastic washer on the pill. This will be included in the next batch.
I will remember that i have NEVER requested a 17 mm driver but a 22 one because of the dimension of the JAX Z1 pill in fact if this had been respected this problem never happen.

2) Some members report a possible short on the anodized cover with cables soldered on MCPCB. The anodized aluminum don’t conducts electricity (thanks to anodized threads a 1/4 turn on most flashlights permits lock out). The only reason why this cover can cause short is some sort of damage on anodization in some lights. I will ask Neal to make some type of insulation on next batch.

Members that had short circuit with melted springs or a light that doesn’t work please send me a PM i will try to find a solution.

Some specs not respected in production.

-In the OP of this thread i declare the use of 20 AWG cables. Now i see 24 on production one. I don’t understand why change a spec commonly agreed with manufacturer.

UPDATE 20-04-2016

I counted the COMETAs that need to be transfer to EU Warehouse: they are about 400 from CPFi and BLF.

As stated above the stock will be available in the EU warehouse in 10 days: once there Neal will send the new coupon.
Also 100 Keeppower 5200 mAh IMR will be transferred jointly.

UPDATE 06-04-2016

The COMETA will be ready before 15th April. :smiley:

Final Sample

For teardown see post #583

UPDATE 6-03-2016

I am glad to announce that the COMETA will have the same driver as the BLF X6v2 and the BISTRO UI designed by ToyKeeper!!


UPDATE 23-01-2016

New Images:

NEW illuminated Tailcap (Thanks to Pilotdog68)

Update Price
The price will be 40 USD if we reach 500 units combining CPFItalia and BLF

CODE:408413 15% OFF for these batteries:

  1. KeepPower 26650-5200 mAh protected Keeppower icr26650 5200mah 3.7v protected rechargeable li-ion battery 71.1cm Sale - Banggood.com sold out-arrival notice-arrival notice
    2)KeepPower 26650 5200 mAh IMR http://www.banggood.com/it/1PCS-Keeppower-IMR26650-5200mAh-3_7V-Li-ion-Electronic-Cigarette-Battery-p-981563.html
    3)KeepPower 26650-4200 mAh IMR http://www.banggood.com/it/1pcs-Keeppower-IMR-26650-4200mAh-3_7V-Electronic-Cigarette-Battery-p-980791.html
  2. Sony 18650 VTC5 http://www.banggood.com/1pcs-Sony-US18650VTC5-3_6V-2600mAh-30A-Rechargeable-Lithium-Battery-p-984323.html
  3. LG 18650 HE2 (2 pieces) http://www.banggood.com/LG18650HE2-2500mAh-3_7v-30A-Rechargeable-Li-on-Battery-1PCS-p-942229.html

Original message:
Hello to everyone, i am Cyberescudo a member of CPFItalia Forum.
In collaboration with Banggood we have created a custom flashlight on Jax Z1 host with many upgrades including the FET + 7135 driver designed by BLF members.
The name of the flashlight will be COMETA (the italian traslation of comet )

If you want join the project you can go to:

Final specs:

  • XPL High Intensity, tint: 1A and 3B
  • Regulation of the beam: wide beam —> throw beam
  • Around 1300 lumens in turbo mode (1A tint)
  • Around 900 meters of throw (1A tint)
  • Noctigon Copper mcpcb
  • 22DDdriver +1 7135 driver(FET for higher performance in direct drive, 7135 to regulate lower levels )(Wight’s driver)
  • “Bistro” User interface: designed by Toykeeper
  • Highly programmable:
  • Choice of 1 to 8 regular modes from low to turbo
  • Thermal calibration
  • Muggle mode / simple mode
  • Mode order. Low to high, or high to low
  • Hidden modes (Tactical / police strobe, Battery check / beacon mode, Biking flasher )
  • Battery decimal voltage indication
  • Memory can be activated or deactivated
  • Moon level can be activated or deactivated
  • Protection against over discharge
  • 18650 or 26650 compatible
  • K9 Lens with double AR treatment
  • Laser engraving: CPF Italia, COMETA, 2016
  • Anodization HAIII
  • Double gold plated springs (performance comparable to Spring Bypass)
  • Lighted Tailcap
  • Price: 40 USD for 500 units

Review of the Light: *AGGIORNATA* RECENSIONE JAX Z1 CPFItalia Prototipo v1 - cpfitalia forum

Discussion thread: cpfitalia forum - Login

Every member interested can reply in this thread with:

The updated list will be in the first message of the threads, with all the updates regarding the final version of the light.
Members in list will receive Private message (PM) with the coupon code for purchasing the light at low price on Bangood!

At CPFItalia the list is of 302 units at this moment


1 Charga CW
2 baldo21 CW
3 baldo21 CW
4 Keengeorge NW
5 koyotee NW
6 ilovejesuschrist NW
7 Nightlight CW
8 bjs55 CW
9 lionheart_2281 NW
10 southland NW
11 southland NW
12 HighCaliber NW
13 xelario NW
14 muzzleblast NW
15 jmpaul320
16 Frankie Baby NW
17 Glenn7 NW
18 Kozy NW
19 cone CW
20 Tom145 NW
21 Bonham NW
22 everydaysurvivalgear CW
23 Far Thrower CW
24 Sharpie NW
25 peaceandmelons CW
26 peaceandmelons NW
27 Nguyen NW
28 ReManG NW
29 cavesprings CW
30 cavesprings NW
31 zelee NW
32 SoulCraves NW
33 JPLight CW
34 JPLight NW
35 KeepingItLight NW
36 sandro CW
37 AirBreaker NW
38 tristanxoxo CW
39 shrike3612 CW
40 bjs55 CW
41 Duke NW
42 carmantl CW
43 paul6ppca CW
44 fireblade893 NW
45 geo1952 CW
46 unknown00101 NW
47 qandeel NW
48 southland CW
49 southland CW
50 KutKhemist CW
51 Brett H NW
52 slow2go CW
53 slow2go NW
54 bella-headlight CW
55 Tooreal NW
56 JPM3 NW
57 cloggy NW
58 archimedes CW
59 archimedes NW
60 leroycp CW
61 leroycp NW
62 Glenn7 CW
63 Krazyhorse CW
64 snow333 CW
65 snow333 NW
66 didi_1606 CW
67 didi_1606 NW
68 blueb8llz CW
69 tzmxxhh CW
70 lionheart_2281 CW
71 Nicolaas CW
72 Nicolaas NW
73 cloudbounce CW
74 sma CW
75 sma NW
76 sandanbob NW
77 angerdan NW
78 Sal415 CW
79 Sal415 CW
80 wurczack NW
81 Hannoveraner CW
82 Hannoveraner NW
83 altblf CW
85 tstartrekdude NW
86 fdr2164 NW
87 pook CW
88 mikeyx NW
89 flachzange CW
90 nofear87 CW
91 NaQwanda NW
92 ger-slash CW
93 ger-slash NW
94 Jepeck CW
95 Jepeck NW
96 Flashy Mike NW
97 kommessy NW
98 hayyam CW
99 MACS0647 CW
100 sandro NW
101 Martook NW
102 Brett H CW
103 banker CW
104 Wavefront NW
105 Anonym NW
106 FlashPilot CW
107 quvantage CW
108 Sonofspectrum CW
109 Spasmod CW
110 leroycp CW
111 leroycp CW
112 tru3s1lv3r NW
113 jescereal NW
114 Jeansy NW
115 wapd2 NW
116 Mstevens113 CW
117 Don5946 CW
118 millguy NW
119 JPM3 NW
120 mattlward NW
121 troisanh CW
122 Far Thrower CW
123 BorisBar NW
124 WolfA NW
125 T18 NW
126 Easyrr CW
127 wstrachan NW
128 onetrickpony NW
129 muto NW
130 Minimoke NW
131 Tom E CW
132 tarver NW
133 mmoro CW
134 Kusie CW
135 tarver CW
136 loveblf NW
137 myhken NW
138 Gavstein NW
139 Mr.Scott NW
140 v-jeffl CW
141 Xandre CW
142 Freebird NW
143 MauiSon NW
144 amaretto CW
145 walter01 CW
146 wiestom89 CW
147 wiestom89 CW
148 wiestom89 CW
149 wiestom89 NW
150 Minimoke NW
151 wiestom89 CW
152 wiestom89 CW
153 Pacbough CW
154 jkbam NW
155 akhjar NW
156 AlabamaMan NW
157 The Miller NW
158 djburkes CW
159 Dwantink CW
160 GeeKeR NW
161 Keepitsharp CW
162 Taurus CW
163 robertkoa CW
164 RaVeN CW
165 Jesjes CW
166 puccio1969 CW
167 PPDB22 CW
168 Torre246 CW
169 Tarver CW
170 Tarver NW
171 Crazyeddie NW
172 Keenjah CW
173 OrionLight CW
174 mmander CW
175 mmander NW
176 KawiBoy1428 CW
177 KawiBoy1428 NW
178 TroelsDK CW
179 KeepingItLight NW
180 Freebird CW
181 Melven NW
182 Th8tredude NW
183 JamesB NW
184 Roobarb CW
185 PleinPhare NW
186 alex981 CW
187 prisma CW
188 Flash-O-Maniac CW
189 hank NW
190 dude5 CW
191 five.five-six CW
192 themaindude NW
193 themaindude NW
194 Spyder88 CW
195 h2o NW
196 Bastarrdo NW
197 wiestom89 CW
198 wiestom89 CW
199 wiestom89 CW
200 wiestom89 CW
201 wiestom89 CW
202 wiestom89 CW
203 diffus NW
204 diffus NW
205 TheMadcap NW
206 MR450 CW
207 eifelmar NW
208 teacher CW
209 teacher NW
210 Keengeorge NW
211 Nightlight CW
212 D10ten NW
213 Brokeandlazy CW
214 Travelr NW
215 RobertB CW
216 JBAlvarez CW
217 dregs NW
218 S.Dreher CW
219 KoekieMonster NW
220 Kafuzke NW
221 gnaLor CW
222 stephenk NW
223 Don5946 CW
224 Don5946 NW
225 Jalben NW
226 BlindingL5s NW
227 Primal NW
228 Primal NW
229 Kkelleher CW
230 Kkelleher NW
231 Keepitsharp NW
232 olivedrab NW
233 Agiri CW
234 Slow2go CW
235 Slow2go NW
236 Rick NW
237 Rick NW
238 Kusie NW
239 teacher CW
240 teacher NW
241 Tom E NW
242 Jalben
243 Jalben
244 Well_Max NW
245 Eivwer CW
246 Eivwer NW
247 Intruderdriver CW
248 giorgoskok CW
249 tristanxoxo NW
250 Tom145 NW
251 martook NW
252 T18 NW
253 abril NW
254 ReManG NW
256 v-jeffl CW
257 JamesB CW
258 Jesjes NW
259 tkd15 NW
260 Calmaja NW
261 jack-bkk NW
262 chooma CW
263 suitaroh NW
264 ale9g NW
265 jmwhite151 NW
266 saypat NW
267 Lilien NW
268 Nitetime NW
269 bigturkey
270 vasa_visost NW
271 Hairy_Steve CW
272 Wieselflinkpro NW
273 PrinceValorum NW
274 NuggetMcNugget NW
275 Kodachrome40 NW
276 Theodore41 CW
277 2Ace CW
278 tindrum42 NW
279 charles lin NW
280 steadyone
281 osb40000 CW
282 jack83 CW
283 malamask CW
284 Obob22 NW
285 emarkd NW
286 goshdogit NW
288 Ricflair NW
289 Leeuwenhoek CW
290 Rusty Joe
291 rafalklis NW
292 tonylim
293 t-soung NW
294 werner1910
295 Essexman
296 vaughnsphotoart NW
297 Angel Martinez
298 Gunnerboy
299 JeffN CW
301 akar CW
302 nitro
303 Dingsdada CW
304 MechEngVictor NW
305 DOHC20

List of the personalizations, technical and aesthetic:


Available 1A CW and 3B NW bin tint (possibility to have a BIN with lower color temperature)


MCPCB in copper Noctigon XP20 with Direct Thermal Path.

Thermoconductive paste

Application of a layer of a quality termoconductive paste between pill and the MCPCB.


Certified cables connect drvier to the MCPCB
Given the high current, 20 AWG cable were chosed.


Driver 22mm FET + 7135.


2 gold plated springs: one long and flexible (to adapt different to cells with different lenght), one thick and strong (to ensure optimal current flow).
This solution was used in the manker T01 and looks like it is capable to perform as well as a “sping bypass”

nice done , copper and nice driver,the driver will be able to handle 2x batteries ?

The voltage range is 2,8-4,35 V. :wink:

Nice project, that will give a stock performance that matches a well modded light :-) How attractive it is will depend on the price..

very nice!

wonder what the final price will be

Very Nice!

The price will be the deciding factor

It’s ToyKeeper’s blf-a6 firmware using an attiny13, correct?
Any chance it’s her bistro firmware on an attiny25 or 45? :heart_eyes:

Yes :slight_smile:

Might as well call it BLF edition with that driver. Members of this forum worked very hard for it and I did not see any mention of them in your review.

The members of CPFItaliaForum know clearly that the driver is made by BLF members.
Is written clearly in technical specifications.
We have simply adopted the best driver for this flashlight and we are very thankful to everybody that have spent their time in processing this wonderful driver :slight_smile:

Still we/the guys from CPI Italia don’t know the price, but currently 180 flashlights are booked ! :smiley:

Aaagh...the cat is out of the bag! Our sample should be here next week . Estimated cost will be $45. The goal is to reach 500 units combined.

Cyberesudo has worked very hard on this over at CPFi. The light is officially named the CPFi Comet (English translation)

While we have no official affiliation between BLF and CPFi, they do in fact support us in our group buys so the least we can do is support them. Afterall, we all have the same problem. LOL

Once the sample gets here (one of only two), and it should essentially be a final sample sans engraving (but not 100% sure), I will post a review, as will JM, Kronos, etc. etc. From what I have seen so far...this thing is going to be a winner. Savings over stock unit, BLF driver, and XPL Hi...all in a quality zoom with at least 200kcd

If interested please post so Cyberescudo can start a list here for BLF members.

Actually I don't think all the issues have been worked out w/bistro on the 25, but haven't heard any new news for a while.

Sounds like an awesome group buy though, great job on getting it together. I really like my JAX Z1 at 216 kcd and ~1300 lumens (resistor mod on stock driver, de-domed XM-L2 U4 1C).

$45 shipped would be attractive

Perhaps it's the angle of the pic in OP, but does the lens still have that sexy AR coating like a stock Z1? Or is it a different coating?

Looks like Neal has had another run of the A6 drivers made, this time in Black. Maybe that means a new manufacturer with better quality control than before?

Is the Z1 a slide-to-zoom light? I never paid attention before.

No, it is a rotating zoom. The UI is not TK's Bistro. It is just like the A6.

$45 shipped is where we are going. CPFi already has 170 on the list. 330 at BLF should be a piece of cake. ;)

Double AR coating.

Now at CPFItalia we have 184 on the list. :slight_smile:

I' m in - throw me on the list for 1x 1A!


Interested in 2x CW “1A”

Thank You