Could you also compare a dedomed xm-l2u41c and xp-g2 with this xp-l led? I ( and surely many others) would like to see the difference between them.

Me too, I'd like to see all 3 compared side by side as well .

Can you please pm me the link to the thread about the boost driver if you found it?

I recently found the Solarstorm R60T. It seems to be pretty close in size to the BOSS, but I couldn’t find any reviews on it

My second BOSS1 from Tao Bao modified with XP-L HI “V5” 3B from fasttech, unluckily not a V5; which only produces approx. 950 lumens under one fully charged LG HE2. (under the same DD, KD’s XP-L V3 1C I had before produces >1100 lm)

BOSS1 (left ~900 lm) compared with TM36 Lite (right ~1200 lm), same distance; BOSS1 beam measured with slightly higher intensity (3 %) at 3 meters distance.

My TM36 Lite only produce approx. ~1200 lumens (although LCD shows 1800 lm, my 18650 parallel not able to push upto 1800)

Thanks, pretty amazing results. I’m sure it will beat an stock tm36 lite with a more extended build and using 4 batteries.

BOSS1’s reflector may be not as deep as TM36 or even TK61, but what I discovered is the beam angle is nearly 0 (zero). At shot distance (3 m) the beam spot is similar to TM36, but when shooting far at ~200 m the spot is smaller than TM36.

The wall is approx.110m away. Both photos taken by iPhone.

Dude! That pic is BADDDD for my pocket! ;(

Well, here it is for $55: http://www.gearbest.com/led-flashlights/pp_294539.html, seems like it was added yesterday.

according to gearbest specs it can be used with 5 x 26650 cells. Is that true?

edit- no it cant, I just found this picture by W K CHIN Untitled | W K Chin | Flickr

That's funny -typical of them. Guess they saw the pic of 5 contact points and assumed it could take 5 26650's. Only GearBest...

No - 4 at a time max. If you got 4 26650's in there, the center contact area can't fit a 26650 or a 18650 or a 17650. You can use the center slot though for one cell, which is kind of cool. You might fot 5 18650's if you could mod 4 26650->18650 adapters, didn't try it, but might work.

The 90 mm UCLp should be here in two hours, so this eve I'l be re-testing at 12.5 meters.

This Monster is more like a laser pointer…

are you still testing the xp-l led?

Well, bigger the reflector, tighter the beam, longer the throw. I kind of like it with the XP-L dedomed, should be same beam width as dedomed XM-L2, but I smoked the dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A. Apparently the XP-L's can take more amps, or maybe just lucky with the XP-L?

Yes - still XP-L dedomed.

Guess this puts the pressure on BangGood. I can get the BOSS1 for $47.89 w/347 points deduction with free shipping via America Direct Express. I rarely order anything from GearBest without a discount code, so I've accumulated a bunch of points.

The GearBest code of MAXY works but raises the price. the regular price for the BOSS1 will be $61.55, dunno how long it will be available for $55

Smart move . I will ask for ask their price too.

That beamshot brings hope to achieve near-DEFT level performance under 100 bucks, and getting higher OTF output at the same time. With a taskled H6Flex driver I smoked a domed U4 1A at just 5A, but the XP-L HI V2 1A managed to survive up to 6.5A (with performance loss after).

Looking to see your results Tom

seeing such results with xm-l2 and xp-l emitters makes me wonder what could be achieved with a properly focused xp-g2…

Not just focusing, but power. If I could come close to what Mitko gets from FT XP-G2 S2 2B's (5.5A, even higher he mentioned), I'd be happy. But at 4.0A or 4.2A, the XP-L would probably still beat it.

The UCLp did just come, along with parts desperately needed from Richard Smile.

I dont give up on xp-g2s yet, these leds have outperformed both xml and xpl emitters in terms of throw in virtually all other flashlights, it is very unlikely they do not work in this particular case.