[07-MAR-2016] Current status of BLF upgrade process

When youā€™re on a roll, itā€™s hard to stop.

Thank you sb!!

sb56637, thanks for all the work you put into this. Having just opened my forum to the public I know at a small level how much work is involved. Took me building my forum using 3 different forum apps before I found one that worked. Then having to go through and lock everything down and close all the security gaps (fingers crossed). Thenā€¦finding a nice level of registration that keeps bots and spam out while allowing real registrations in. Still working on that one. And I still have hardly any ā€˜realā€™ membersā€¦lolā€¦most are fake accounts generated by me to at least get some content in there. Most of my threads are just me talking to myself. Got in a couple of arguments too.

Anyway, thanks for all the time, work, and $ invested so we can blow all our time, work, and $ on this hobby.

:smiley: I know how that goes!

sb, you put up with a heckuva lot around here, and we appreciate what you do. :)

I don't know how much BLF sponsors pay for advertising, but I hope it's a lot! :cash:

:slight_smile: You guys have put up with plenty too, I really do appreciate everyoneā€™s patience and understanding thus far; itā€™s been considerably less stressful for me thanks to that.

Wow, this feature is fantastic! I canā€™t begin to count the number of times Iā€™ve sorta halfway remembered reading something in a thread but canā€™t find it again. Then the needle-in-a-haystack search begins loading pages of the thread one at a time and Ctrl-Fā€™ing my way through it. This is great!

SB have you ever considered setting up a ā€œtip jarā€ or any other way to donate to you and/or blf? I know you have ads and I hope they pay well, but I bet some of us would contribute directly, especially when you give us awesome stuff like that! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sure a lot of you would, and I really do appreciate the generosity and good will. But I personally never feel comfortable on websites with a donation button staring me in the face, so I donā€™t want to do that to BLF visitors. I just request that those who want to help to please disable their ad blockers for BLF, thatā€™s all. :beer:

Thank you so very much! I was lost, but now Iā€™m found!

Nice new touches, too. More information is displayed, making it even more useful than before.

Great job, SB! :beer: :beer: :beer:


Will wonders never cease! :crown:

THANKS SB !! ā€¦makes it so nice to know where a poster is especially when they sound off about shipping issues or US Sale Only threads etc, etc.

Iā€™ve already used it several times nowā€¦ Like, I heard wight made a new driver, and this let me find the thread. It also showed me the story behind a veteran member retiring. And itā€™s handy for checking what people are interested in or what contributions theyā€™ve made (or if they only post to enter give-aways). Also handy for finding that one picture Dale posted somewhere, or finding the previous time I answered the same question so I can paste it or link to it. Etcetera.


Another great feature restored. Thanks for your hard work, SB!!!

Cool, glad itā€™s working so far.

Looks like I automatically subscribe to every thread I post in.

Any way to disable that?

Raccon cityā€™s got jokes? :wink: Isnā€™t that the way the forum previously behaved, pre-update? This is definitely the way I prefer it to operate.

Yep, http://budgetlightforum.com/user/251/edit/subscriptions

The link doesnā€™t seem to work for me, even after changing the userid to my own.

Just tried the search within thread, great idea and it works too! Now I know where I am again as well.

Link doesn't work for me either.