2 amp Li-ion / NiMH Charger...

I know of the Xtar Sp2, Efest luc v4 and opus c3100 ….

-xtar and efest does not charge NiMH,
-Opus pulse charge 2 amps which i don’t like…

Is there a charger that can supply my needs?

Mc3000 is too expensive and I dont need all of its bells and whistles… What I am Looking for:

Li-ion / NiMH Charger
–2 or more amps
.25 or lower amps
–2 or 4 bay

I might consider:
MXJO CC1 Charger http://tinyurl.com/jakx9qp
3 bay / 1.5 amp maximum / Li-Ion / NiMH
Cons No .25 Amp or lower / No 2 amp or higher ( but 1.5 Closer than most)

There might be a charger that has recently come out that can fill my needs that you guys know about…. Please and Thank you

FOUND IT!!! :smiley:


Check it out at http://www.gearbest.com/chargers/pp_349794.html