flat earth people

Well, here in Dunedin, NZ, a new albatross chick was born a couple of weeks ago.
The name mooted was ‘Birdy McBirdface’. I almost shot myself upon hearing that.

Nobody says you can’t suggest BirdyMacBirdface, or CountBirdface

On the DOC website, it reads: “This chick is far too royal for Birdy McBirdface!”.

Hmm, Master Birdface, King Birdface, Prince Birdface

People are free to suggest, but that’s just a ridiculous name :person_facepalming:

Having seen those massive birds up close, that’s the last name I would call them !

In the end BoatyMcBoatface is a ridiculous name, but it would have been funny
BTW there is now ParsyMcParseface

But red bull gives you wings :smiley:

Oh god ! It’s getting worse !


Yes. ‘nominal aphasia’.

Because I really wish I didn’t understand half the crap I read on the net.

nah :smiley:

SWMBO & I bought a Shakespearean Ski Boat.

She christened it “MidSummerDazeWetDream”…

The urge to PUNish is strong in that one! :slight_smile:

This video reminded me of this thread

I just realize this problem has grown to an alarming level. The UN has to act, the faster the better.

- Clemence

Next they’ll tell us they can control the weather. :open_mouth:

> Next …. control the weather

What, that story again?

Just a quick analysis helps lead you to a rather solid, clear conclusion. Conspiracy theory believers adopt these beliefs like a form of religion.

These are people who refuse to accept reality. It is a neurosis. You can argue facts with them until you’re blue in the face — they won’t budge. It even borders on cultism. It has helped usher in this wave of populist politics that makes a terrible reveal of just how badly society has decayed. Human beings, left unchecked, have a tendency to embrace chaos and self-destruction. It’s illogical. But it’s a nasty side effect of the inventive mind.

Obviously the earth is not flat, but the word "conspiracy" is far to freely used in msm to silence legitimate concerns or findings of legitimate scientists, academics engineers and clever people that are on to something. It works great for the sheeple though.

The truth is: these flatearthers contribute $$$$$$$$$$$ extra to Google via Youtube since they first started their madness. I don’t think Google wants them gone anytime soon.

- Clemence

I refute it thus: https://epic.gsfc.nasa.gov/

I really cant take this seriously. How can you believe this?

But… they claim flat Earth is true and the globe Earth is the massively effective conspiracy that has fooled billions. LOL. The sheer audacity of it. The flat Earthers are nothing but time wasters. Human detritus.