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May 20th Topic: who you are love to say I love you today

I love my wife

5/20 11:13am Beijing time
I love my (mostly understanding) wife.

I love my girlfriend and dog. Happy May 20th China Bajing time.

I’m pretty sure I love my flashlights more than I love my g/f at this point. <3

LOL, you belong here Ramrod.

I was going to say Life, all Life. But The Last Katun said it so well. So I will say I love my Wife, better than I love my own life.

Ha thanks. The lumen addiction is real. The best part is that she’s just come to the point where she accepts that I may spiel about tints/ui’s/and beam profiles for half an hour at a time. She’s a keeper.

Right now it is shortly after noon on 5/20 in Beijing, so I will send my love to my wife and daughter and a big dose of brotherly love to Old Lumens.

I love my wife and my family.

On 05/20 I have to say I love my family and my hobbies. We don’t have any pets so flashlights come right after my family and friends :smiley:

Yeah…I’m in. Thanks!. Definetely my family!

i love my self.

I love my wife, family, friends, and animals

I’m in love with Daisy

I love my wife and my family.

I love my GF and I’m happy to live with her.
Happy May 20th

May 20 - I love biodiversity.

May 20th

I love this forum and the people on it! :stuck_out_tongue:

But my wallet doesn’t!

love my son and daughter

I love :sushi:

I <3 BLF!