Introduction from "J Team"

What does J stand for?

The unknown team that makes interesting unknown products in collaboration with unknown manufacturers for special unknown prices. :party:

I’m intrigued, but by what??


Expect a full selection of tints to be made available.

So, who are the members?

+1 (And why the cloak and dagger?)

Ok… lets hear it!

Gah another “team” ready to peddle lights? I thought the kronus team had the monopoly.

I can’t answer for the J-team. But, I can tell one logical reason why some BLF member(s) might want to start a “team” for bringing new products around, without divulging who the members are: Anonymity. And when you’re dealing with hundreds of potential customers, anonymity can definitely help you sleep better at night. :wink:

Come on, lets give them the benefit of the doubt. Lets try to stay positive, we can always shoot them down later if need be.

To create BUZZ? Market awareness?

Seems to be working.

Especially, if things don’t go well :wink:

J-Team revealed

Turgid with excitement and anticipation, I am!

Word Of The Day. Thank you for the vocabulary.


As a J myself I admit I’m curious to see where this goes…

Jordanian? Japanese? Jehovah Witness?


So who are the members or what known members endorse you?