[2016-06-11] Crackdown on rudeness

I always wondered about that. At least they’re zapped quickly enough

The threads you mention about new members saying nothing in my book is from the spammers. This wont be stopped.
As far as thread bloat goes stop the continued quoting of quoted posts to the point they cannot be read. a bit like how this post is going.
I agree with the ones that mentioned that it is better to give a personal thanks in writing rather than hit a button.

Unfortunately I don’t know how to achieve that on a technical level, my apologies. But I agree it was kind of a big ugly blob in the middle of the panel, so I added a “rudeness” label inside the meter and removed the big title.

Thanks! Much better now…

If only (grin). Even using only partial quotes “(with due respect for careful use of the ellipsis)”:https://sonatano1.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/how-to-misuse-your-ellipses-and-infuriate-your-readers/ would be wonderful.
But some aspirations are beyond the ability of mere humans to attain at least consistently ……

It’s like the religious war over top or bottom posting, there’s no accounting for personal preference.

Ah, I didn’t realize that it’s become a religious war. That explains why just the other day I ran across a complaint about that on a technical mailing list, and I wondered what the big deal was.

For those who don’t mind using a browser extension, you can paste this in to limit the maximum nesting level of quotes. Use the “import” feature in the “Stylish” extension.

@-moz-document domain("budgetlightforum.com") {
/* hide quotes deeper than 3 levels */
blockquote.quote-msg blockquote.quote-msg blockquote.quote-msg blockquote.quote-msg {
    display: none !important;

… or install the same thing from the userstyles site: BLF limit quote depth (3) | Userstyles.org

I think that’s an acceptable compromise. Can you change the text so that “rudeness” only appears once, such as “0/10 rudeness”?

I’ll have to mess around with the underlying code a bit (which I didn’t write), but that’s a possibility. Thanks!

Now i know what rude means!

Was hoping and waiting for something like that in the time of the cometa double trouble…
On the other hand,i have 0 out of 10 - so what does it mean?

Good idea SB! Go on like this …

It means you’re quite terrible at being rude! :stuck_out_tongue:

I demand a recount! :laughing:


I am really liking the new “rude button” feature. It levels the field for all members.
Rude is rude whether one is a seasoned BLF member, a one day old new person, or anywhere in between.

Since this feature was implemented I have noticed there has been an almost immediate change in the posting behavior of some in all three of those categories.
[ I would fall into the “in between” member myself…… in between seasoned and new. :wink: ]

I like the fact that each individual can see their “rudeness quotient”. Even though it has shrunk to super small, I hope it does remain visible to the individual.

I think a “thank you” or “+1” button at the bottom of a post would give others the option to acknowledge a post they wanted to without necessarily having to quote it and reply. Thus keeping threads cleaner.

I also think this should be unique to each post and not combined for a cumulative total or go toward karma points.
That only has the potential to turn things into a circus and / or a popularity contest.

These are my thoughts on the matter. YMMV

Also, what pilotdog68 said below sums it up perfectly…….

I use my tablet a lot when on BLF. Real easy to accidentally hit that button then because of touch screen feature and small size. Maybe make the rudeness button a two stage design. After you hit the button asking are you sure you wish to use this feature?

It already has that feature. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that. :+1: :slight_smile:

I continue to think this is a silly and unnecessary addition for a forum. I notice how silly it is every time I see the counter that shows 0 rudeness/10 rudeness. lulz!

Check your counter again. I just marked your comment as rude. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s nice that we can see which posts were marked rude. I’d like to know who marked which posts rude.