Re-post: How to deal with trolls

BTW, for anyone who hasn’t sussed this out yet, the only “correct” answer to that is, “NO, honey-dumplings, of course not!”

To anyone who’d ask that silly question, please remember the unspoken Truth there: “It’s not the JEANS”…. (with apologies to Sir Mix-A-Lot)

Just the phrase “card carrying authoritarians” lumps any who disagree with you into a group with a negative association. This, while it may be funny to you, is both an insult and a tactical block against disagreement. It’s common and has no basis in debate. Dunk tank for you my friend.

No need for snickers when you have Greta. Greta can tame even the wildest beasts.

The real question here is what would happen if you shouted “UltraFire!” in a crowded theater… :sushi:

- Deep thoughts…


You’d have 200 stampeding citizens and a half dozen confused flashaholics?

Only if they didn’t read ultra-stampede reviews.

felt like bumping…

You are a bit early for Halloween. :slight_smile:


Huh ?

Is island talk mon. Ya got to listen to more Reggae- dat’s how ya learn :sunglasses:


Just felt, based on some recent comments, that this needed a little bump… Or boomp for some reason.

Thanks! The more the merrier… and less moderation headaches for me. :innocent:

This is in the forum rules as well.

Please don’t be rude. Rude people will have their accounts deleted.


Every time this thread hits the front page
I realize it’s so hard to gauge
Every poster’s intent
Did they say what they meant ?
Are they trying a small war to wage ?

We must sometimes try to disengage
When a post seems to make us enrage
’Cause what they tried to say
May have hit the wrong way
We just can’t every day be a sage


(you gotta break a paragraph between the exclamation point enclosing the image link and the
command, the system doesn’t do it automatically)

ah done!
JtC nice as always!