Coming Soon..... 4th of July Multi-light Giveaway! RSVP Here!

Why a 4th of July multi-light giveaway? Why not? :slight_smile:

Please let me know here if you want in, which will help me make it a better event. Not required to participate but it will give you an advantage. You’ll see why later. Doesn’t matter if you’ve won before. Only requirement is you must be a BLF member who joined on or before June 15, 2012.


I’m in! :smiley:

I'm game.

I* i can i*, i am i*, thanks! :)

Well, of course I'm in.

Thanks for arranging these giveaways TheShadow!

Is it possible to join in the fun somehow, even if I would prefer to forgo the possibility of receiving anything?

I’m in!

Please add me. Thanks!

I’m in!

:slight_smile: im in :slight_smile:

Put my name in the hat, Please !

definitely in.

I’m in!

Your sentiments are admirable and if you want I’ll put you in a special pool to disadvantage you but you can’t be out entirely. Also, without giving details away, having won before won’t matter as much as you think so please play anyway!

I’m in. :slight_smile: Thanks, is it going to require me logging in on that day as I may or may not have Internet.

I’m in. Thanks!

In that case, without further ado (drum roll…), I’m in!


haven’t won so far

i’m in!