CLOSED: Giveaway: My 1000th post (DQG II, Thrunite Ti, UF C3 SS, Ganzo G706)

This is my post #1000, so it's giveaway time! :party:

As promised, I'll (try to) start a tradition of arranging giveaways whenever someone reaches N x 1000 post count. This is the first of them and I hope other people will follow the example..

This giveaway has three prizes, which can be selected from the four items described in the picture below:

The items to be given away are: (all of them are new / unused - batteries included)

- DQG II NW w. magnet (Yes, II not III. I happen to have one extra of them)
- Thrunite Ti Gold 3/80lm
- Ultrafire C3 SS
- Ganzo G706


- Anyone registered to BLF before 2012/07/17 is eligible to join

- No loops to jump through: Post anything to this thread and you are in

- kreisler must be in ;)

- Giveaway closes 2012/08/01 at 13:37 EET DST

- I'll announce the winners in order (1, 2, 3)

- 1st winner can choose an item from the four available items
- 2nd winner can choose an item from the three remaining ones
- and the 3rd winner can still choose from two available ones

-> no-one is forced to take the knife (if it could cause problems with customs or anything like that)

me wants in… badly :smiley:

I'm in! :)

Thanks for the giveaway, count me in please. Nice time to end the participation BTW. ;-)

Great giveaway; congrats on your 1000th post! Count me in :slight_smile:

I’m in and like the 1000 post idea.

Very generous!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Please count me in.

im in :bigsmile:

This time I’m in to lose again! Who knows?

:slight_smile: Thank you for doing this, Count me in please

Count me in please, Thanks!!!

Thanks, _the_!

I’m in! Thanks for this opportunity the!

If Kreisler’s in, I’m in…

Thanks =the= … I’m in mate!


Count me in! Love these give a ways.

Love this forum