Would you wear this?

I saw this on Best Buy and was like WTF! Seriously?! I need to hurry up the patent of duct tape the phone to your ear! Would you wear this over a bluetooth? Would you think it look silly with a Samsung Galaxy Note?

Darn it! somebody beat me to the duct tape phone!

Hahaha :bigsmile:
It’s actually a “not so bad” idea, but I’d rather use just a BT handsfree set.

No way!

My iPhone came with earbuds that have a built in mic for phone calls and I have a bluetooth headset for listening to podcasts at work (while keeping on ear open so I can interact with everyone else at work). There is no way in hell I would wear my whole phone on the side of my head like that. I feel douchebaggy enough wearing a bluetooth headset.

I watch that commercial all the time because I like the cheerleader who does the backflip.

link to that vid, please :stuck_out_tongue:

Everytime I see anyone wearing a Bluetooth, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that whoever is wearing it is a total and complete no hoper.

I’ve learned from experience that everything works better in a commercial then in real life

No.My ear would be a pancake inside of two months,Props to the guy in the video for sticking a laptop to the side of his head!

The commercial is hilarious. Considering the bluetooth options we’ve had for years already I actually think it’s a rather dumb concept. Still, it provides entertainment every time it airs :smiley:

Vince’s “Schticky” might be funnier though. I love how that dirtbag takes the most basic and already widespread products and makes them gold with his silly infomercial branding.

Just what every mobile phone user needs, a device to hold the cancer inducing radiation machine as close as possible to their brain for as long as possible.

Good way to get a brain tumor I think!

No !!

In the very real likelihood that your phone falls out of this device and stops working or is smashed to bits, will this guy pay for a replacement?

Well, at least you’re not overly judgmental about it!


I actually passed a guy on the highway with his flip phone rubber banded to the side of his head for hands free use. About as ghetto as it gets. LOL!

Wonder if that “laptop” is approved for hands free driving!! :stuck_out_tongue: